Monday, January 29, 2018

See You In the EJC

Well, I'm looking forward to becoming unstoppable again. December did me in and I stopped being amazing. I tried to give myself a pass, and I told Corey he can't judge my ability to run a household by the way it or our life looks after the holidays. But here we are after a month of recovery and I can't use that as an excuse anymore. I've finally caught my breath, so it's time to kick it in gear. I got an email from Holly about a Design Your Year Best Year Yet workshop, and I signed up on Friday, the 26th of Jan. I'm ready to tackle life. Cause my new year is coming up! It starts on Thursday, haha, so time to prep!
Something new this time is a daily conference video call, which I enjoyed this morning. I'm excited to do the work and be accountable again.

A few fun pictures from this weekend - on Friday night Corey and I went to Chuck a Rama for dinner, and I really loved the salad bar. It inspired me to try to create our own, which I did with lots of chopping vegetable help from the kids - wasn't it pretty!?!?
It was a feast for the eyes and the taste buds, I was in salad heaven. My parent's came and joined us, and we also had two friends from Brazil over. Later that night, Corey was watching Forks Over Knives on the laptop in our bedroom. The last time he watched it was last summer. It's a pretty compelling documentary, Corey's agreed to give a plant based life another chance.
While we watched the film, Abi got creative with her little sisters. Abi, I think your feet shrunk.
Sophi! Your feet as so big!!! What is going on, the kids are looking strange...
I wondered if all those new vegetables had some weird effect on them? Superfood! It looks like they made Sophi and Lily grow super fast!
Silly kids.

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