Saturday, January 13, 2018

Summit Watch

So, this is kinda how we fly around here... Last night Corey was working at the computer and got on a tangent looking at timeshare deals, when he happened to see a good bargain for a week at Park City - starting TONIGHT! (It was already 6:00 pm) "Wanna go to Park City for a week? There's a good deal!" What kinda deal? A deal so good that we could get the whole week up at Park City for the same price as the one night we had at Wolfcreek last month. Half kicking himself, Corey wondered oh why did we plan ahead for that? See?! That's the kinda markup people pay when they plan ahead! Better to live on the fly and get a deal by taking a trip on a whim! We mulled it over for an hour - hmm, should we go up to Park City tonight and spend a week up there for no apparent reason, even though all the kids still have school this next week? And the house is a mess and it would be nice to have the kids help us get caught up on things since we're still recovering from the holidays... (that was my 2 cents) But Monday is a day off from school, so we'll be able to spend a few days together (Sat, Sun Mon...) sound fun? Ok, sure. So I gave my blessing, he booked the reservation, and we told the kids to grab their swimsuits, we're going up to Park City. Two hours later we were all playing in the water, wee.
Well, everyone except Mel and Joseph. Joseph called us later that night... "So... why are you guys up there?" Oh, just because. He didn't come up today cause of friend stuff tonight (a date? school b-ball game?) and Mel was at home when we all left and decided to stay and do homework, plus she and Joseph have to be in Provo tomorrow morning at 9 am for a Lyceum video recording. The older they get, the busier they are. It's a nice transition into college, cause they are so busy and gone so often anyway, that it might help us not miss seeing them around, I'm hoping. So, Ethan and Hyrum, enjoy the free time while you still have it, you guys are up next! As for tonight, they spent quality time with little D throwing the football around the pool.
Everyone having fun in in the pool on a Friday night. 

The pool closed at 11, party's over until tomorrow. Don't you worry Natalie, we'll be back!
The nice warm water steaming up Abi's glasses.
Seeing the boys standing in their towels reminded me of what we see many a morning as they play the "waiting for my turn to shower" game.
So today it was more of the same, we're just kicking back to do nothing for a few days I guess. We'll just tell ourselves that this is an important step to help us transition back into the rest of the school year after Christmas break, yeah. Honestly tho, I'm slightly bummed cause we've been dragging for two weeks and I really wanted to finally get back into the swing of things this weekend - myself and for the kids to remember how to work so they could get back into being contributing members of the family as well, but alas, no recovering from the laziness yet, we'll try next weekend.

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