Sunday, February 11, 2018

Sunday Pictures

Here are a few snapshots from our Sabbath day - first off, the kitchen sink that greeted me at when I woke up at 8 am:
I washed dishes and cleaned the kitchen as I listened to this 1993 General Conference talk by Elder Joe J. Christensen. I played it for myself several times, hoping to make it all sink in, esp this quote by President Kimball:

I like what President Spencer W. Kimball has said on this topic: “The idle generation! Hours each day and nothing to do. … We want you parents to create work for your children. … ‘What can we do?’ they ask. Do the shopping, work in the hospital, help the neighbors and the church custodian, wash dishes, vacuum the floors, make the beds, get the meals, learn to sew. Read good books, … clean the house, press your clothes, rake the leaves, shovel the snow, peddle papers." Then he concludes: “Lawmakers in their overeagerness to protect the child have legislated until the pendulum has swung to the other extreme. But no law prohibits most work [here] suggested …, and parents can make work” (The Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, ed. Edward L. Kimball, Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1982, pp. 360–61). 

In addition, help your children learn self-discipline by such activities as learning to play a musical instrument or other demanding skill. I am reminded of the story of the salesman who came to a house one hot summer day. Through the screen door he could see a young boy practicing his scales on the piano. His baseball glove and hat were by the side of the piano bench. He said, “Say, boy, is your mother home?” To which the boy replied, “What do you think?” Thank heavens for conscientious parents!

I need to be a more conscientious parent... Hyrum and Ethan were walking around being "bored" yesterday, I need to put them to work. Yeah, going to work again to make some forward progress in our family, cause it doesn't seem right for me to be doing a pile of dishes like this everyday by myself.

Our ward block time is at 11 now instead of 9, which means class starts when these two little boys are ready for their naps. Daniel woke up during the transition from the sacrament hall to the nursery. Owen was fighting to keep sleeping. My friend said they looked cute and took this picture for me so I could see how cute we all were.
Sacrament meeting was so good - the speakers shared thoughts on adversity and what our trials teach us, I shall try to put it on my spiritual blog soon. After church, we drove home and pulled into the garage, where we got a kick out of Daniel chillin on Lily's lap -
No, he is not in his carseat, and isn't secured at all. I'm a bit nonchalant when it comes to the seat belt law and I usually don't make them wear their seatbelts on the drive over to or home from the church, I just tell them to pile in. I love the look on Owen's face too.
He could definitely be a male model, although he might need to lose the pacifier. At home, Lily helped make rolls for dinner.
She wants to be a chef someday!
And last of all - THIS began today!!!!!
That is Joseph beginning to fill out his paper work to serve a mission!! I don't know how he is old enough for a mission, especially since I'm only 29. ;)

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