Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Valentine's Day

I'm usually pretty low key about Valentine's Day, but this has been my most low-key hands-off Valentine's Day yet. Like I usually buy them candy, but I didn't even do that this year!  ...although I did instruct Corey to pick up some treats from the store on his way home from work. So I, personally, literally didn't do anything. They were on their own, and they did a great job. Abi enlisted Wesley's help with her valentine's "box" - a Lego volcano - 
He is such a nice brother - he stayed up until 1 a.m helping her make it! That was very nice of you Wesley. You're a better man than I. Abi led the little girls in making their valentine cards. I didn't help but I did suggest what they could do - with a stapler and white cardstock they made little pouches that they were able to put a few treats inside. Lily with her bag of valentine's - one for the boys... 
and another zip lock bag for the girls. Sophi told me that she needed a valentine box. I hadn't seen any papers about that or gotten any email from her teacher telling us to make anything, so I told her I was pretty sure she didn't need to bring anything from home except her valentines. Didn't she make something in class? No, hmm. So since she was worried about it, I got out an old valentine pouch that Mel made years ago. Here, will this work?
She accepted it. Until she was about to walk out the door. Then she said "Nevermind, I don't need it" and she just took a grocery sack. Turns out they made pouches today and she came home with her pouch full of love notes. Yay, another Valentine's Day done and out of the way and I didn't have to do anything school-wise, that's a win in my book. Corey came home with pink tulips for his little girls and a red rose for me. On Sunday, the little girls made Valentine folders for themselves. They all pretty much looked like this - here is Natalie proudly displaying hers -
I helped and made some for the boys.
And then wrote Valentine notes to their siblings that they put in their folders. Today I wrote each of them a valentine note too. In the EJC conference call this morning, Holly told us to think of 3 words that describe us. I chose Tough, Humble, and Leader. I liked the exercise, so I wrote valentine's to each of the kids and in my note I wrote three words that I felt described them. Here are my notes, for posterity's sake (I didn't do one for Owen or Daniel)

It was a LOVELY day! <3 p="">

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