Sunday, March 11, 2018

Application Is In!

The big new for the day is that at 10:00 this morning Joseph had his interview with our Stake President for his mission. So, it's officially in! And now we wait. President England said he thinks it will come next week on Thursday the 22nd. We are super excited! This is the beginning to a whole new era for our family as they leave on missions. From here on out, there is a good chance that mission will overlap and so there will be someone gone for the next 19 years. In my family, 6 of 7 kids served missions (and that's with only 2 boys in our family!) And Corey's family was 100% with 3 out of 3. So you could say that serving a mission is a family tradition, and it's a good tradition to have. We are strongly encouraging our children to prepare to serve. And I'm sure with Joseph trailblazing this path, they will all be able to see the great blessings and growth that will come to him as he gives this tithe on his life, and they'll want to follow his example. So, Corey told the kids he'll pay them $50 bucks if they guess the right mission. No one has placed bets yet, but I know a handful of them are thinking Spanish speaking in South America.
We'll find out soon!

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