Saturday, March 3, 2018

BYU Bound

We've got another BYU Cougar in the making - Joseph is BYU bound!
That was a rough wait though! They were supposed to find out yesterday. Joseph's had the March 2nd date on his mind for 3 months. Acceptance letters were to be emailed around 5 supposedly. We checked and refreshed and checked the status online over and over again. Joseph had to go to concerto night and thought it would be posted for sure by the time that was over. But nope, after he got home still no news. Corey and I checked it over and over again on our date to India House, love that restaurant. Came home, still no new, still checked and checked. I finally gave up around 11 pm, Corey and Joseph were up until 2. I woke up at 4 and checked, (then turned off ALL THE FREAKING LIGHTS in the house that were STILL on in every room of the main floor!!!) Come on people! So, it still wasn't posted. I didn't check when I woke up today at 8, but Corey got on and checked around 9, and it was good news for Joseph, hooray! He printed up the acceptance letter, and went into his room to give it to him as he played the cougar fight song nice and loud! We're all wearing blue today in honor of Joseph and BYU! Lily wrote Joseph a letter -
We're all super happy for him. He'd already had his dreams crushed 3 times this past year. Didn't help that the concerto night he thought he's be playing in was last night. He still had to go, but was just in the orchestra. He had received a gift bag with some chocolate treats for his help there. Then Lily came in and, after giving him her sign of congratulations, ate them all. Yay, thanks Lil for coming in and eating all my candy.
That's how siblings share their love. This is how my siblings shared their love - over Marco Polo - my little brother sent a video singing a tribute to Joseph's achievement, I thought this was super cute.

I love my siblings! Way to go Joseph, we're happy for you! He's officially ready to launch into life.

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