Friday, March 23, 2018


Aagh! Can you believe it - no mission call in the mail again! What is going on?!?!? We've decided that our mailman looked a little sketchy.... we think there's a good chance that he hid it on purpose, can you believe he'd do something like that? So, this was today: Corey ran over to Lily's peformance again. He said next time we'll just toughen it out and finish one show so that we don't have to go twice. Her smile made it worth it though. If I'd have been thinking, I wouldn't have bothered to take the toddlers yesterday I would have had Mel babysit them today. Not that she's feeling great with her swollen jaw. She is pretty much cracking me up, but I know she feels uncomfortable, mostly with how she looks. She's made a few Marco Polos to us.
I know how you feel Mel! We've all been there. I got my wisdom teeth out after Ethan was born, so I had a post partum body and a swollen face, I felt so un-pretty. I remember this lovely lady at my church come up to ask me something, and when I turned around to look at her, she like gasped to see what I looked like. I then and there said I'd rather go through child labor rather than get my wisdom teeth pulled. It's less painful. The whole 9 months of pregnancy might be worse than wisdom teeth, but it's pretty close. So. I picked up Skyline carpool today. Corey really wanted Mel to go talk to her teachers about why she missed school again and to try to make sure she could turn in late work on Monday if necessary. She didn't want to go, I didn't blame her. But we went. Then we waited for an hour for Ethan to finish a test - I thought it would only be 30 min. I waited in the hall outside his classroom. After 20 minutes I decided I might as well do walking lunges. He saw me and came out, told me he was going to be a while. So I took the other carpool kids home, then turned right around to go get Ethan He said he wouldn't be done til 4:30, I said I'd be there at 4 and I'd just finish up my lunges as I waited. But before I headed back to school to get him, I checked the mail. It was almost 3:45, he should be close... I started to drive but then decided to do a quick drive around the neighborhood to see if Mr. Mailman was around anywhere. I spotted him in a culdesac in our old neighborhood! 
Yes! Ok... I started calculating his possible routes and how long it would take him to get to our mailbox. Should I wait and then go get Ethan, or get Ethan and come back to see if Joseph's mission call came? I waited in the driveway when he rounded the corner...
It's like I'm being a detective or a spy! I hid in the car, carefully positioned my phone so that I could record the mailbox without being seen.
But it was all in vain. Just two lousy mailers. I've never been more disappointed to get a Hello Fresh flyer and an Emergency Essentials advertisement. They went straight into the recycling bin, just to show them my spite. Joseph was at the Soundhouse for band, I texted him to let him know the mail was a no show again. Bummer. I went to pick up Ethan. It is Friday night date night. I confirmed with him that he wanted to go on his birthday date with us. "Can we go to the Roof?" Not this time, buddy, that's just a one time treat. He was so tired, he wanted to go to bed, but he did want food, but he didn't want to wait until Corey got back from work "I don't want to fall asleep and have to get up again after..." So we made a deal - I'd take him out to Costa Vida, and we'd call it good. But first I wanted to go by the post office to verify my identity for Informed Delivery so I can know what's coming the morning of and not have to wait until 4:00 everyday to be disappointed for the next week.
Now we're verified, yay. I was hoping it would be immediately effective, but it takes 3-5 business days, blah, well this won't do us any good informing us about the mail tomorrow, but it might come in handy if his call comes next Thursday. It's too late to call and reschedule his wisdom tooth appointment for next Thursday, we'll have to do that on Monday. Ah! So many variables! So I took Ethan to Costa Vida.
I even let him get a Tres Leches cake. Happy Birthday date, Eth.
So, yay, kids are home and we survived another week of school. I went to pick up Corey at work. We've only had two cars since Feb 10th, when Corey loaned his car to a friend from Brazil that he owes money too. I haven't endure this inconvenience well or very cheerfully. But I'm really glad we have his car back. Corey finally received some of his outstanding paychecks on Wednesday so he was able to pay his friend and we got it back tonight after our date, hallelujah. It was a good date, we talked about our ideal schedules and how to help him get 40 hours of consulting in a week, we'll see if we're able to implement it.

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