Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Tropical Day

So, at the high school, it's some kind of spirit week in preparation for the WAMA dance this weekend. Monday was pajama day. TODAY was Tropical day. Ethan is a student body officer, thus he tries to take the "show your school pride" up a notch from the typical student. Here he is in his full glory after coming home from a day in the tropics.
How did Ethan achieve such a great look you might ask? Well, last night Melodie took Ethan to the store so he could buy some Loreal bronzing lotion - "L'Oréal Paris Sublime Bronze" to be exact. Last night he started caking it on. And we were all laughing at him. This morning we were still laughing, it was pretty funny. Ethan comparing his fake tan with Joseph's wintery-white skin.
Looking good Ethan! He said that at school he got called Trump, Cheeto, Dorito, and carrot.
For carpool on Tuesdays, Joseph brings home the jr. high kids. So while they were waiting for the jr. high to let out for the day, Ethan and Mel ran in to see their favorite teacher, Mr. Arnell. Mel said Arnell took one look at Ethan and then was jokingly banging his head against the wall. "Arnell, you should get a spray tan!" Ethan joked. "I would if I could look THAT good!! You have no blotches AT ALL" he teased (Eth did have blotches). Funny. Kids at the jr. high thought it was a serious tan, and he got lots of stares. There was a cop coming in to the school as they walked out, he looked at Ethan and said "Ooops!" as in "That tan got messed up, huh! Oops!" Anyway, it was really funny. He didn't take a shower this morning, not wanting to risk rubbing off any of his bronze color. But he took a good long bath after he got home. It didn't come off much, but the overall tone does look a bit more even.

So that's that. A few other tidbits - I had two sit down dinners the past two days, yay. Last night I made this Kidney Bean and Lentil Dal, it was so good and the house still smelled delicious this morning. I love Indian Food. We had an alfredo pasta tonight. Corey went to a jazz game tonight again, he got 2 tickets from work, he took Lily. It was a nice day, the kids played outside in the front yard. Not tropical weather, but it was nice, we're ready for spring!

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