Saturday, April 21, 2018

Elves, a Pirate, and a Witch

Some neighbor girls came over today to play with their little friends. Abi was nice and joined them, leading out in a fun game with her as the pirate
Abi was the evil Pirate, and Sophi was her assistant. Abi and Sophi tried to steal their crowns. And she kidnapped them and put them in a prison (aka the coat closet). The elves had fun playing with the bad guys. 
Although this witch kept switching sides - half the time she was helping Abi capture the elves, and the other half of the time she was saving the elves and guarding their crowns. Pick a side, Sophi! Sheesh!
It's so hard to get reliable evil help these days, huh Pirate Abi? Abi tried to turn to stuffed animals to help her after Sophi was wishy-washy. They had to try out for the part. This was done in the form of  a play where Abi (who was controlling the puppet chicken and other toys) had them bomb the audience to see how bad they were. Sophi ended up resuming her place - I guess inconsistent evil help from a witch is better than evil help from a puppet.
I like it when they play creative games like this. They had a fun time.

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