Saturday, June 9, 2018

Canyon Date Night

I've been enjoying going on morning walks in the canyon this spring. Last night Corey went on a walk with me for date night. He picked up some India House to go and up we went. It was lovely. We sat by the river as we ate our food, then enjoyed walking around a bit so I could show him the paradise I've discovered in our own backyard.
We talked about life as we looked at the trees - some of them were not in the best of circumstances, but still seemed to be trying their best to live and grow. This tree was at a total 90 degrees, and what should be it's branches have turned into several "trees" - growing out right over a dried part of the creek.
Can you see what I'm talking about?
It kinda seemed like a good metaphor for life. Sure, that tree would probably prefer to be in an ideal forest with dirt underneath, but it was his lot to be born by the creek and among the river rocks, where water tipped him over years ago. But he's still trying his best to make due with what he's got. A good example to follow.

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