Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Manti Pageant

Corey's been talking for a couple of weeks about going down to the Manti Pageant. He asked the kids who wanted to go. They were all kinda dragging their feet, so we almost cancelled the outing. We had a hard time figuring out how to do it with kids and their commitments over the next few days, but today could work... Mel has a flute lesson tomorrow at 5, which was a slight conflict for time. On Friday Corey wanted to go see Ethan's Summerfest Concert, so that wouldn't work. We decided to give it a go and Corey headed down at 5:00 with 4 kids. I was gone taking Wes to LBB (and running errands to the Missionary Mall and such for things for Joseph) and then when Wes was done we headed back home to pick up the rest of them. A little bit of running around for me, but better to make two trips to American Fork than to make one with everyone and try to find a way to kill two hours while we waited for Wes. I ran by Costco for some road trip snacks. When I got home and told Hyrum we were going, he didn't want to, he said Dad had already left. "No, you're going with me. This is a required family outing!" Corey didn't want to push it, but he'd mentioned it so many times to me, that I was pretty sure he wanted us all go to. So, yeah, it's required. Hyrum and Lily protested but obeyed. We were in the car and picked up Joseph at the church after his meeting and we were on our way a little later than planned at 7:15
We thought the pageant started at 9 and that we were cutting in close, but it started at 9:30, so we got there just in time. Time to park the car, Corey paid a kid to save us a good spot in their field, and we parked super close, so it was great! Joseph drove down, I was in the back with the kids. With Ethan gone at music camp we had room for one more, so Joseph invited a friend Spencer.
We haven't been to the pageant for a few years, or if we did I don't remember cause it wasn't blogged about here. I bet it's a fun thing for all the people who participate in it, but a lot of it seems silly to me. Sorry, is that rude? But when Mary dies or when Robert dies - like the only think I remember from when we last came 6 years ago was him saying "...Home.... just ....over.... that.... ridge... " and then he's dead. Maybe if it was a true story. Hmm, maybe it is a true story. I should do my research before I laugh at it. Anyway, I was sitting by Wesley and we were giggling though a lot of it. Also, no biggie, but the dialogue exchange between Captain Moroni and Zerahemnah was not entirely accurate (See Alma 44) they added a few things in there for effect, which is fine, just saying. 
We walked to the car when it was over, and drove North and didn't have to wait or get stuck in traffic or anything, we were home in a jiffy. At 1 a.m. Yay, and I'm sure we'll all be sleeping in in the morning. Our family morning routine hasn't been working out yet, doh.

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