Friday, June 22, 2018

Some More Lasts for Joseph

This morning Joseph woke up early to go to the temple and out to breakfast with one of his BFFs Scotty, who is going out of town for a family trip, so this was their last chance to see each other. I'm glad Joseph has had such good friends. He's gone to the temple with friends on Tues, Wed, Thurs, and now today. I'm sure he's got plans to go tomorrow too, cause this kid is intense. He's been busy saying good bye to friends. He came home and crashed for a few hours on my bedroom floor. And I love this picture I got of him - seems like an appropriate bookend photo for the end of his childhood - my 18 year old sleeping in a stink bug pose on my floor, just like my toddlers.

Ethan has been at Summerfest this week. Tonight they had a concert. When I took Wesley to LBB on Wednesday I went by the Missionary Mall on University Parkway to check out shoes. I couldn't decide, so I suggested Joseph come down with us to the concert and we'd go by there and get him some shoes. Plus Joseph went last year so that might be fun to go support Ethan. Eth had a great week in the classes and at the dances. He stayed in the dorms (he paid extra to enjoy the all you can eat student meal plan!) Ethan did a great job at the concert, a lot of solos. He texted Corey earlier in the week saying he's never been more excited about music, or more excited for Corey to hear it.
During one song when they announced who was soloing, I heard some girls in the row behind me say "His name is Ethan!" 
After the concert, Corey, Joseph, and Ethan enjoyed chatting with the head of the music department. Corey's always networking and working on helping his kids get into BYU. 
We left at 8:40. The Missionary Mall closed at 9, so we were in a hurry to get to the store. I got a chuckle out of these signed outside the elevator.
And inside the elevator, lol. These students are serious musicians
We left at 8:40. The Missionary Mall closed at 9, so we were in a hurry to get to the store and got there just in time. Joseph went for the Dansko shoes, even though Corey thought they were ugly when I first shared pictures of them on Wednesday. They said they are really really good shoes for missionaries that are on foot, which is what Joseph is most likely going to be in Guatemala - walking and riding the bus. So, Joseph went for comfort and decided they don't look that bad anyway. Then he had to decided between two different types of black shoes or does he get the same shoe in black and brown. Decisions decisions.
Yeah, we're getting the last few things, Joseph's heading out on Tuesday! Wonderful promises to our missionaries from a prophet of God.
We bought shoes for Joseph and Corey! Corey's needed a new pair for a while! Corey and Joseph are going to have a little contest to see who can wear out their shoes more in the next two years. We left around 10 and were ready to finally go out to eat.
Unfortunately most restaurants close at 10. I google searched for restaurants and we round that yay, Cafe Rio stays open until 11! Joseph and I both got tacos. Joseph ordered black beans with his, and poor Joseph has never liked beans! Did you see the picture at that post there - he didn't like them but would eat them, but had to use a nose plug to help him gag them down. At Cafe Rio, as he prepared to take a bite, he moaned "Beans. Ok, let's get this over with!"
Followed with "Ugh... two years!!" ...cause we can guarantee this young man will be eating a-lot-o-beans in Guatemala! He lamented "This is one of my last chances to not eat beans, and I ordered beans!"
But he muscled them down. "The rice tastes okay, I don't know why they would want to ruin their rice with beans!" It was fun.
Our last date night before Joseph leaves, it was fun to share it with him.

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