Monday, June 25, 2018

Wesley's Birthday, Joseph Set Apart

Lily's Birthday was on Saturday. Today was Wesley's big day. I feel a little bad that the celebration for these two has been overshadowed by Joseph's mission departure, but hey, what can you do.

So, Wesley likes sushi. So today for his birthday, we woke him up for breakfast in bed with a big "sushi cake" aka platter of sushi.

Daniel had seemed a bit concerned moments before when we lit the candles, like they were out of place there in the hall way instead of the kitchen
Good morning! Happy Birthday Wes!
Blow out your candles -
Daniel wants some of the food - 
Mel took out the candles so Wes would be ready to dine.
Daniel made it up the ladder...
(Cute happy boy)
He's ready for you to share with him!
"Some? Some?"
And they feasted together. He's finishing his first mouth full there.
It was mostly a day of helping Joseph finish getting ready. He was set apart as a missionary tonight. Family came over for the occasion and our Stake leaders arrived at 7.
They chit chatted, then we sat and talked. Some advice was given, like Pres Osborne recommended Joseph get a copy of the Guatemala temple dedication prayer, cause that will tell him about the promised blessings given to the people and country. They also had him give me a blessing again, like they did when he received the Melchizedek priesthood on May 20th.
It was a nice experience, we are excited for him. I guess this is for real! This is happening! Less than 24 hours and he'll be on his way. Here we go! (Keep it together!!) I've been able to keep it together ok so far, we'll see how tomorrow goes!

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