Thursday, August 16, 2018

Barbie Dresses

The little girls have been using up the last bit of their time to be creative this summer vacation by making "dresses" for their barbie dolls. Abi was the one that started it, and Lily and Sophi eagerly followed her example.
The dresses have been made by getting into my fabric and thread and needles and tape, and hot glue and beads, etc etc, and making a big creative mess with them.
It is nice that Abi tried to hide her mess. That might have been to hide the activity from me, so I don't ask them "What are you doing?!" or "Please ask before you get into my things!!" This designer studio is tucked in the basement behind the big "pirate ship" toy thingy. Part of me was annoyed, but then part of me was like "You might as well let them use it... you're never going to get around to sewing anything with any of that fabric anyway..." so I let them be creative. I didn't get any pictures of their finished products yet. But it's been nice seeing them lost in an activity. And practicing sewing by trial and error, since teaching them to sew is another thing I will most likely never get around to either.

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