Sunday, August 12, 2018

Hyrum is 15!

We had another birthday around here (seems like we have a lot of those...) I gave him some vegan treats - bbq chips, gum, and dark chocolate bark. And that was it, for the rest of his gift I let him chose between cash or a transfer to his card, he took the transfer. Easy, and done, yay. It's too hard to risk buying clothes for teens, they are particular and have their own styles, so I don't bother. Plus Hyrum is a simple guy and is saving his money for a car, we found out yesterday on our date with him, he's going for a "blue sedan", which Corey thought was a pretty funny statement.

So, the kids are sometimes disappointed when their birthday is on a Sunday for some reason. But Hyrum got to share his day with friends at church, so that's a plus, right? Little party right there! Usually at church, the leaders will bring cake or some junk food, but for Hyrum, they brought grapes and strawberries for everyone! Isn't that great!? So, still got to celebrate with some friends, and another plus - both sets of grandparents came by! Hyrum opened his gifts from Corey's parents out in their van.
My toddlers running around in diapers, kind of embarrassing. Oh well. What can I say, it's hot. My mom came by shortly after Corey's parents, and my dad came too! We don't go over to my parent's house enough, and when "the birthday lady" (aka my mom) comes by for birthdays and now and then when she's running errands, it's usually just on her own, so we don't see my dad as much. So, see, Hyrum! One of the perks of a Sunday birthday! More visitors who aren't on the clock! I was excited to share the healthy and tasty cashew milk ice cream with my parents, it was so delicious. And my mother did a real labor of love by making Hyrum that vegan cake (in the top pic) from scratch!! It was also very good! And (just to get on my plant based soapbox for a second)... something about food that is made of more real ingredients: it actually feeds your body! Which is good, cause your body wants to be fed! So since your body receives actual nourishment from the real and un-refinced ingredients, you stop eating! ...cause you're body sends the signal to your brain and tastebuds saying "Ok, sweet, thanks, I got what I need to survive, I'm good!" and turns off hunger - vs. - the highly refined and scientifically calculated to be addictive junk food that our culture usually uses to celebrate occasions like birthdays. Yeah, I did buy some of the normal junk ice cream to keep the rest of the home crowd happy, but I also got the good cashew stuff and some coconut frozen dessert sandwiches. Junk ice cream was eaten in a hurry and gone, with kids asking for more helpings while the smaller containers of the more delicious good stuff will be enjoyed by Hyrum and I for a few more days. Corey and Mel tried it too, it's really good. And we've got left over cake to enjoy, I think it might take a few days to finish all that off, it was very filling. Happy Birthday Hyrum, hope it was a good one.

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