Monday, August 27, 2018

Natalie's First Day

It's a Monday, but after a good weekend activity, I woke up feeling ambitious and ready for the day. It was Natalie's first day of kindergarten, but I thought I'd take these little kids on an outing before she caught the bus after lunch. When I was looking over activities on Saturday, the Farm at Gardner Village sounded like a nice one to do with these little kids. I was thinking it would be a smaller version of a farm like the one at Thanksgiving Point. I was, however, mistaken. This place was quite a bit messier and sinkier. The abundance of flies present seemed to confirm this fact. I was a little taken aback by the flies everywhere. So was Natalie. The flies made my little Natalie NOT have a good impression of this farm experience.
"First time at the farm?" the lady asked as we redeemed our passes. Yes, first time for them. But I thought "not first time for me though... I know I'm a city slicker, but this place is nasty!" I think the animals were packed in too closely together, cause I felt like we were though a small hallway with closets of animals around us. The hay on the ground that we were walking on looked wet with animal urine. And again, the flies seemed to agree with that educated guess.
They were small flies, and they didn't seem to land on or harass us at all. I tried to tell Natalie to just walk through them and they'll fly away, but she seemed quite afraid to move. Owen was doing remarkably well. But I have pretty low expectations for him having a cooperative behavior during new experiences. So that was a pleasant surprise.
Owen looking at the goats ahead of us, as Natalie continues to cower in fear.
"I want to go! I don't want to be here! Can we please gooooo!"
The bunny cages were the least fly infested. They both seemed to like the bunny area.
Ok, we saw all the animals, good job. Yes, we can go now. We walked out of the "farm" to the parking lot, where Owen was happy to ride the slide again.
They liked the fake animals more than the real ones. Ye-haw! Yeah, these "Bullseye"s are more like it.
(Daniel calls horses "Bullseye" cause of Toy Story)

Then we laughed at the rooster with the funny hairdo and then we left.
Well, that outing was shorter than I had planned. Since we still had time before the bus came, I thought this would be a good chance to check out another Get Out Pass place that I was interested in seeing - Bricks and Minifigs out on 106th. So we went. "Unlimited LEGO Freeplay" available daily!
That part didn't impress me much. First off the legos were at a high table. That ain't gonna fly. So we moved the bin to the floor. But they lost interest quickly and we wandered around looking at all the legos for sale. Of course they wanted all of them. I told Natalie if she does her jobs, she can earn money to buy the toys she wants. She was upset to have to put the Lego Elves boxes back on the shelf, but we're not buying anything today sweetie. So, that was okay. I'm sure my older elementary kids would love to see all the legos and minifigures there, it would really get their creative juices flowing. But I know they'd want to buy everything, so note to self to be prepared for that if I do decide to bring the older kids here sometime. We headed to the car and I caved on the way home and bought them each a frosty and a large fry to share.
Natalie ate her unhealthy lunch and didn't want a banana or orange or anything, so I guess you're ready, time to go! I walked her to the bus stop. First day of Kindergarten for my Natalie baby, I can't believe it ~
We waited for a bit, the bus never came, so we walked/ran back home, I put the kids in the car, and we rushed over to the school. No one waiting outside, so I run her in. Another mom was there, apparently I missed the memo that on the first day they are starting 10 min late. So... we prob haven't missed the bus, so we head back home and see  the bus as we pull into the neighborhood. I pull up behind it and she ran out to ride the bus to school. I didn't get a pic of her getting on the bus, so we'll have to do one of those pics another time. Happy first day of school, Natalie!

Next day update - Tuesday - 2nd day of school -
We missed the bus today cause we were coming back from getting an ultrasound for our new addition. So I drove Natalie to school and got another picture of her there. She's a cutie pie and she is loving kindergarten!

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