Tuesday, August 14, 2018

New Violin

Corey's been thinking about it, talking about it, checking out a teacher and planning it, and today he took the official action - he bought Sophi a violin. So Sophia is going to start taking violin lessons. The teacher he arranged is a friend of ours from high school. She is a pretty great violinist and is booked, but said that she could make a spot for Sophi during the school day. Corey talked to Sophi's school teacher and her teacher was okay with it if she checked out of school during one of their extracurricular times, so Sophi is missing art every week on Thursday and instead Corey will be picking her up at 2 to take her to her lesson in Holladay at 2:30. It all sounds like a bit much for us to take on, in my pregnant opinion, but I gave Corey my support if he will own it. I know I'm not going to be any help after the baby comes in 4 months, so I didn't want to give too much help now, lest my participation become something they all depend on. I don't want to get toddlers in the car to drive her to her lesson now, and I'm definitely not doing it when I have a newborn. So again, I told Corey that it sounded like a bit much to take on, but if he owns it, he has my blessing. So, off they went today to Charlie Liu Violins and the professionals there helped Sophi get the right violin.
"This is how you hold it - let's see how that fits, very good..."
All of the other girls looked around at the violins too....
Natalie, do you want to try one? It was just so small and cute, they had to hold the baby violin. Aww, adorable. There is something pretty sweet about little kids playing music. Or holding it like they might try, ha
Natalie, you'd do great, but I think we'll wait for a while before you start music lessons. But you're cute.
SO, after that, they took Wesley to a performance that he had this evening. To kill time, they decided to go to eat at America's Restaurant, McDonalds. Probably the staple behind the Standard American Diet and one of the leaders of our poor health as a nation. (Standard American Diet = aka SAD, so sad that we feed out kids this stuff. Well I don't anymore, but hard to enforce things or suggest alternatives when I'm not there...)
Owen likes ice cream and fries, but maybe there is still time to help him not learn the word "McDonalds"... No offence, McDs, but I feel like you're one of my family's health enemies.
And after that, the kids played at the City Creek Center Children's play area while they waited for Wesley's performance to be done.
I don't think Corey got to hear any of it.
Cause if he had I think he would have taken a picture or two for the memory book, and there aren't any pictures of it on his phone. Just little girls playing and having fun...
Or not having fun?
I'm not sure what was the matter with Sophi. It's nice that it looks like Abi tried to help her out.
Lily and Natalie were off in their own world having a good time.
So it was a busy "almost back to school" day for Corey. He's pretty impressive. I am often impressed at all he does and how much we're able to do for our large family. And sure, there are a lot of things we fall short on and don't do, but it's not bad for two learning-as-we-go parents of a family of 11!

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