Monday, August 20, 2018

School Begins

My older 4 kids all started school this morning. Wesley was proud to say he the very first kid to start - he was the first of our family (since the high school kids had late start) and the first of all his friends to go to school, cause he had to be there early for governorship stuff. On the drive over. Yay, aren't we excited for early morning routines again?!? (I am, they aren't so much)
Wait! I need a "Back to School" pic!
That was a goofy smile, I need a better one than that - 
And he continued to walk away. 
Well, have a good first day Wes!
The older three kids were pulling out of the garage on their way to school, and that's as good as I got for them.
The younger kids don't start until Wednesday, so they have two more days to sleep in. These older kids are excited to be with friends again, not excited for the early mornings, but school and lack of sleep, unfortunately, seem to come in a package. Time to learn self management skills, cause "it's not about not about time, it's about you". I got up an exercised and am doing awesome with my goals and priorities. Pregnancy wise I'm 18 weeks today, ultrasound is next week, we're excited to find out what we're having. I'm hoping that now that school has started the pregnancy will fly by even faster. Hasn't been too bad this time since I started taking my iron supplements earlier on and cause morning sickness was basically non-existent again cause of the magnesium miracle that I discovered during Owen's pregnancy. I've been jogging and walking on the treadmill, doing 2 miles three times a week plus some resistance on the other 3 days, I'm feeling good, ready to take on this school year.

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