Friday, August 10, 2018

Splash Park and New Glasses

Today the girls were invited to a birthday party at the Sandy Amphitheater Park.
They have a cute splash park there, with fountains representing each canyon creek coming out for kids to play in.
So close to home, but I've never been here before or taken the kids here.
I was glad they were able to go and had fun. Abi had an eye exam right after the park, so we hurried and dropped kids off at home and then I took Abi to her appointment. Afterwards we went by Walmart to choose her new glasses.
They can't tell what the frames look like when they're not looking into the mirror with their prescription lenses in the frames...
So the process is usually that I take pictures of them in the frames, then they put on their glasses and look at the pictures to see which ones the like better.
I'm glad that they usually listen to me and take seriously my opinion on which frames look best. Abi chose a pair I like. Walmart does a good job of getting the glasses ordered quickly too. They say 10 days, but it's usually less than a week. Wesley came along to the store with us. Of course he couldn't help himself trying on glasses and falling into character...
Gotta un-button his shirt a bit for the full effect -
Funny kid, lookin' good Wes!

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