Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Ears Pierced

Lily got her ears pierced last night. I didn't get a pic of the fun cause I couldn't find my phone before we left. Tragic. There would have been a good few chaotic moments to capture, but we'll have to just let journaling do the job, we'll do that in a moment. But here's the pic after we got home (cause Corey found my phone) (after hearing my evening alarms going off)
A little blurry... let's see if we can get an in-focus one on those sparkly earrings... I think Lily feels pretty!
Little "Make-A-Wish" foundation stars, we might have donated to them by buying this pair, who knows. They were the prettiest of the less expensive choices they had. 
You look good, Lil!
So, we went to SouthTowne Mall. Piercing Pagoda said their piercing hours were over but that we could come back the next day at 10. No, we'll walk around and see if anyone else is open. There was another kiosk that offered "free ear piercing!" with purchase of the earrings, but it was a guy with long hair, dreadlocks, a beard, and I didn't think Lily would be quite comfortable with that so we kept walking. Lily mentioned that she had a friend who had her ears pierced at this same mall, but at Claire's. We'll, let's go see if we can find Claire's. I had 6 kids with me mind you.... The first half hour with all of them was tolerable, but that might be because we were in motio... once we stopped in Claire's, the toddlers became a bit much to handle as they picked up anything that was sparkly. Owen and Daniel each picked up what looked like a sequin make up case and they turned and walked straight out the entrance. I was trying to read and sign paperwork, when she asked "Are those two boys yours?" Ugh, yes, "Abi! Go get them!" Abi really wanted to see the piercing though, so we kept tag teaming. The lady helping us seemed to be the only lady there, and while she was with Lily & Abi up in the front, I ran in the back to get Owen and Daniel out of the back employees only storage place, where they found a big fountain drink and were trying to share it. No! Gosh, we gotta get outta here! Daniel proceeded to freak out when I took away the drink, but I held him the rest of the time until she was done with Lily, took like 15 min total. Not too long, but yes too long with all my littles in the store. The kids all wanted to buy something. "Nope. We're done, we're going to the car." They wanted to ride down the escalator. Oh fine. So we did, then walked to the elevator and went back up so we could leave. Daniel didn't want to, he ran into T-mobile, I got him, Abi was heading out with other kids, Owen goes running and is heading behind a car that is backing up, ahhhh, get me out of here! I waved an apologetic and grateful wave to the person who didn't hit my kid, we got in the car, locked a reluctant Daniel in his chair, buckled in Owen, yay, I can breathe. In the car, push the close button on the Odyssey, and we are headed home to our secure four walls. Glad you like you're earrings Lily. Sophi, remind me not to take any toddlers with us when you want your ears pierced. Great, thanks.

Another thing about Lily that I'm not sure I've documented. This little lady is a major illustrator. Like, she draws up a storm, and I feel like I'm always picking up paper off the floor and throwing things in the garbage! It's Costa Rica all over again and I don't know what is trash and what is treasure. But there are so many drawings, she can't keep them all on her wall, and I can't scrapbook them (cause I hardly even file things anymore)... so I took a few snapshots before I thew a pile away.
What is the story here?
Something she made up, or is she drawing a story she was told at school or read in a book?
I'll have to ask her. I'm thinking sometime we should get her a boogie board to try and save the trees. Creative girl.

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