Monday, September 17, 2018

Homecoming Dance

Melodie and Ethan both went to their high school homecoming dance on Saturday. Ethan and his date Sarah - 
Good looking couple! (Ethan, send me pics of your group!)
Ethan was busy having fun and we didn't see him at all the whole day. I think he got ready at his grandparent's house? He sent those pictures above to Corey who sent them to Joseph and cc'd me on the email, so yay, I got them too. Melodie came home Saturday after her music school classes and got ready, so I have more pictures of her. Plus she sent me the link to the pictures that her friend's mom took. I owe some moms out there a major thank you, cause get this - Homecoming was a boy's choice dance. Mel and a big group of her friends were not asked, so this mom set them all up on blind dates with a group of boys from Alta High school! Mel had such a fun time, and I thought she and her date looked so cute together! 
She wasn't able to get the boutonniere on him so he had to do it himself, ha 
The official dance pictures - Darby and Melodie 
She said he was really fun at the dance, that he was goofy like Corey is. I think I can tell!
Looks like his outgoing personality helped our shy Mel break out of her shell a little bit too! The group of guys - Mel said they are all friends at Alta -
The Skyline girls -
Group picture -
What a fun idea. I'm going to remember this for the upcoming years of teenagers - if they don't get asked, I can help to set them up on dates! The mom who thought of this - thank you!
She sent a text saying how grateful she was that the girls took her up on this opportunity to meet new young men, also encouraging them to "jump in and get to know each other - there's not a lot of time to warm up, so be ready to talk and find out about your date and just have a really good time! We know these girls are all darling and we want these boys ending the night glad they took the time to come up" They arranged a fun dinner at one of the girls houses.
I am so impressed and so thankful for awesome parents like this that help make memories for my kids, and for the awesome boys (sons of more awesome parents). There is a lot of good in the world.

So a few other things - as Mel was getting ready to get ready, she asked me to help curl her hair. She doesn't ever curl it and doesn't really know how to use a curling iron. I told her I've been curling my hair since 4th grade. "Yeah, Abi is better at curling hair than I am..." As I curled her hair, I said "You really need to learn how to do this yourself before you go off to college..." Yeah... We all thought the curls were a good look on her!
Corey teased "Wow Mel! You should look pretty more often!"
Haha. He also commented on her cute petite figure. I got the full body shot, with the tossed pillows and trumpet case and dirty sock on the floor in the background, in our full glory.
She was a kinda giddy and jokingly started singing "I feel pretty" from West Side Story. Yeah, it's fun to get yourself dressed and dolled up. We should all probably do it more often. I'm glad that she and Ethan both had a good time at homecoming! And wouldn't you know, now that that dance is out of the way, Ethan got asked to Monster Mash last night (Sunday) - it's a bit crazy. Like the poor girls have to fight to get asked and  have to hustle big time to get first at the door asking the boy they want to go with! (I personally think it might be a side effect of our culture that tends to vilify men - See Save the Males and The War Against Boys). Mel, you better get on it.

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