Friday, September 28, 2018

Neighborhood Swim and Sick Pet

Yesterday the kids actually got our our guinea pig and were playing with her. Poor Vanilla, she'd probably rather be left alone, but at the same time I feel bad that she's alone all day almost everyday since Carmel escaped and got lost in July... so anyway, I was glad to see the pet being loved and getting fresh air outside. The kids made a maze for her and a friend's guinea pig, Wiggy, and had them going through it.
Today I was in the shed and saw Vanilla, and she didn't look very well to me. Her eyes were not bright, she felt skinny, I don't think the kids are taking care of her like they should. I told Mel to check on her and said that I thought she looked ill. Mel looked at her and agreed, and said we should take her to the vet. I said I couldn't right now cause the kids and I were going swimming, but hooray, you can drive. You are welcome to take her to the vet, but you will also have to help pay for it. So we left and she took Vanilla to the animal doctor. Swimming was fun - a few shots of the kids.
All the girls took turns watching Owen and Daniel in the pool. 

Sophi taking a turn watching Daniel...
Even Natalie helped out - she and Daniel swam around holding hands - 
I thought that was so cute....
She's already such a good little mother!
Some jump shots off the diving board - look at leaping Lily!
Sophi did a salute as she jumped in -
Owen held tight to the side of the pool for most of the time.
Cute little eyes!
I think he was looking at his reflection off the wet cement...
So swimming was fun. I stayed out of the water.
Daniel done swimming. He was scared of these shark toys in the water but then warmed up to them and claimed ownership of them for the rest of our time there.
Our nice neighbor grilled up some hot dogs and brought out some grapes, that was nice.
Daniel looks like he might need help chewing his hot dog...
The pool fun started at 11, but we didn't get there until noon cause I had the kids clean their rooms first. Since we were an hour later getting there, when other people left at 1:00 my kiddos were still going strong. One other family came late and so we stayed and swam a little more.
We stayed until 2:30. It was a good way to spend the afternoon of a day off of school.

And Mel got home around 4:30 - $117 bucks and 3.5 hours later and she was from the vet and all the kids were attending to Vanilla. I reminded them that that we don't have a good track record with sick guinea pigs... like we'll notice that they're sick and then within 24 hours they're gone. But maybe things will be different this time. The vet place wasn't busy but she did have a long wait, and she came home with some special food to help her. She looks better, I hope she makes it through the weekend, she's been a sweet little pig.

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