Saturday, September 15, 2018

Soccer and Saxophone

Today was a busy day. Morning more so, made a little more complicated this Saturday because of homecoming at the high school. We have 3 cars but kids that needed to be in 4 different places at the same time. We just signed Abi up for soccer this week and she had a game at 9. Ethan had to leave for Homecoming activties at 9, Wesley had to be at Utah Youth Jr. Symphony at 9:00, and Mel had GMS at 9:30. I ended up taking Abi to her game, Ethan took a car, and Mel was ok to leave early and so she took Wes with her and they left at 8:30. Abi's game went until 10:30. Wes was done at 10:30, so he had to wait for 30 min while I was still in route to get him. Ethan was gone all day, didn't see him until 11:36 pm. Mel came home around 3 and got ready for her homecoming date. I'll post pictures of that on Monday. But it was fun to go to Abi's game. I didn't have any other kids with me, which was helpful since we weren't sure which was her team or what field they were on and so we had to do a little bit of walking around. I asked a few people, found someone who thought they knew coach Aaron, "I think they're the orange..." and so I went and asked the orange team and that was them, yay. Abi grabbed her uniform and ran to the car to change. She was sore from the school fun run yesterday, but did a good job for it being her first game ever.
We've done Sandy City soccer, but not AYSO for some reason. I did AYSO growing up though, and Abi is in AYSO now, and I like it better than what I saw in the city league. Not sure what the difference is, but yeah, one game in and I like AYSO more. She played at the same complex where I had many Saturday games growing up. I felt a bit nostalgic, I've got lots of good memories with good friends and coaches. It was fun. I could probably get into being a soccer mom. We tried years ago with the first four kids. We tried indoor and outdoor and it was too much for me to handle. I guess my capacity has increased? Or maybe I'm just crazy?! cause if I couldn't handle it back then, I don't know what makes me think that we'll be able to handle it now, cause life is just so much easier now, ha.
No, I remember for indoor the kids were pretty young... I'd have to look in the scrapbooks, but I think I had 6 kids, so 2008 -ish. Joseph and Mel were on a team together and Ethan and Hyrum were on a team together. They didn't have any practices for me to worry about, and their two teams had games at the same time and at the same place. And it was too much for me. That was the last time we tried that I can recall. 10 years later, time to give it a go again. I think Abi will be a natural. Go #10! After her game we went and picked up Wes, then the 3 of us went to Walmart and Costco. We talked a bit of soccer in the car. Abi was ready to practice when we got home. First we had to unload the car. I'd left Corey home with kids, he was ready to take a break so he went to run errands. Daniel fell asleep for his nap on the floor. So cute, little stink bug.
Sometime in the afternoon, I heard a sax playing. I wondered if Ethan was back? Soon I saw that it was Corey. He and Wes were playing together. They were going to join in and play at a neighborhood band party tonight.
It was fun to hear Corey play. Me doing soccer stuff and Corey blowing his horn, it's like a blast from the past day. I really like Soccer, maybe I should do stuff I like a bit more often. 
We played soccer in the back yard for a bit while they practiced music inside. Daniel is a natural dribbler, I was impressed!
This could be fun to get back into soccer, esp with these 3 little boys (2 current toddlers and 1 in the oven) at the end of our family.

Daniel's shirt might be prophetic...
I think he really is going to be a future all star!
Sophi seems to have a natural knack for soccer too. I noticed her natural talent years ago, and even though I haven't done much to help her develop it, it's still there. She wants to play soccer too. I got her new shoes and cleats at Kid to Kid, but I told here that since she just started violin, let's keep it with just that/the violin for now. But Sophi and I are going to help Abi practice and we'll get Lily and Sophi started with soccer next fall. :) After a little soccer, I helped Mel get ready for her homecoming blind date, then she left, and then she called, then I ran out her boutonniere that she forgot and left in the fridge, and then I got home and then we went over to the band party.
Corey wrote this to Joseph about it:
  • Last night the Smarts had their annual band party, but in a slightly different place since there is now a house almost built where the field was. Wes and I played Freddie the Freeloader and he did a great job with the Miles Davis solo he transcribed. The band was Ivan Gygi's friends. Everyone thought Wes did a great job, and I think he did. We had him trade fours and also play the background with me to "Sweet Caroline". He was out of his comfort zone but did a great job and seemed to enjoy it.
We don't hear much from Corey here on our family blog. So here are the rest of the facts from Corey's email to Joseph, Subject: Happenings This week:
  • You're doing a great job (something I'm sure of) and I hope you make the most out of this amazing experience. A few random thoughts on the past week or so - 
  • Since I'm old, when I read your letters I find it odd to read "ha ha" in them. I have to remind myself that it is something borrowed from texting and something that I personally could do without. Today Ethan made fun of my texts saying it was weird, even rude to put a period and punctuate texts. I think he was thinking of the comedian Ryan Hamilton getting rejected on a date by someone saying "no" with a period. Perhaps he was confused with that. The other day I was over at my parent's house and your grandfather asked me what "ha ha" meant in your letters. He simply didn't understand what it meant, and I said it was something from texting. He still didn't know what it meant and wondered if it was an abbreviation or something. I let him know it just is a laughing sound, ha ha, but not something us older people relate to. I also let him know that it's different in Spanish - in Spanish it's ja ja, which confused me the first time I saw it.
  • Your missionary plaque finally arrived a week or so ago. You look legit!
  • Ethan and Melodie went to homecoming last night. Ethan went with Sarah (sp?) - the sp? means I don't know how to spell that, and recognize I probably got it wrong, but not going to bother to look it up.
  • Sophia's violin lessons are going well, she loves it. Lily is anxious about learning the saxophone, but my alto and the soprano are still in the shop.
  • Melodie went with some guy from Alta, I think named Darby? It was fun to see her get ready and she was jokingly singing the song from West Side Story "I feel pretty"
  • Today was Talmage's mission farewell. He did great, and I will stop over later to give him a final goodbye. I saw lots of your friends there, including Scottie and Xani - who appear to still be 'tight like unto a dish'. Xani leaves for Paraguay as a missionary on New Years Eve.
I liked Corey's email to Joseph. I like hearing about snippets of our life from his point of view. And I also like the bullet points. I might have to start doing that, cause if you haven't been able to tell, I'm not updating here as often as I used to. I might need to just cut to the chase and skip the story telling small talk and get the facts recorded. Especially if I really think the two of us are going to have any chance of really getting to doing stuff we enjoy anytime soon, ha, like soccer, sax, or drawing. I remember years ago learning/feeling like I needed to let some things go - 

"A good woman knows that she does not have enough time, energy, or opportunity to take care of all of the people or do all of the worthy things her heart yearns to do." - Sister Julie Beck April 2010 General Conference

But we can dream, we should dream. 

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