Saturday, September 1, 2018

Uintah Camping

Corey's brother invited him and the kids to go camping up in the Uintahs this weekend. Wesley, Abi, Lily, Sophi, and Natalie took up Corey on the offer. Corey said he would take Owen too, but I insisted he not. Just something inside me knew that it would be a lot harder with Owen. Corey has stated several times since they've been home "Yeah, that was a really good thing that I didn't take Owen.... he would have been miserable!" and "That would have been hard/bad/etc..." kind of stuff. You're welcome, sweetie. I admire your ambition, but I'm glad I can provide some common sense clarity now and then. I mean really, who wants to take a 3 year old camping? Not a good idea. So, here are some of the pictures of their outing.
Lily and Wes setting up the tent.
Setting up the table for dinner, but Lily is gonna have to move her coloring stuff. She took her art on the road.
They made tinfoil dinners.
They had beef in it. (Sorry about that, cows.)
Roasing marshmallows around the fire. It was a bit hot for Wes.
Looks like a nicely toasted marshmallow.
A few pictures from today - Good morning, little campers!

Lily's got a good bedhead.
Today they went on a little hike and did some fishing.

Wesley is still up there, he is staying up there with Mark until Monday. Group picture before Corey and the girls head home....
 And then back to the car.
Sorry I don't have much to say about the event, as I was not there. I was a little sad that the new van now has a slight camping/smoke smell, but oh well. I guess it has to get messy eventually, might as well get it over with. 

Monday Evening Update - 3 September
Wesley had a fun time, he taught his relatives how to axe throw into an old log,  he caught a fish that they cooked or dinner, he went cliff jumping into a lake that they camped by, and just had a good time out in the wild. I'm glad that the kids can have experiences like this, even if I don't have the experience with them. We're lucky to have family and friends that do stuff like this. Maybe someday I'll get there, but I have to be toddler free - 5 year old is as young as I would want to do camping with. 

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