Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Sophi's Scrapbook

Tonight I did something that I've been meaning to do for years. I finally made Sophi's scrapbook. I made scrapbooks for all the kids some years ago - just found by searching on the blog here that it was apparently in October 2014, so a solid 4 years ago. I have all the scrapbooks on a shelf downstairs. This is just a little place where I keep momentos from their young years.
On shelf above the scrapbooks I have the kids' favorite stuffed animals - on the left are the 5 toys from Brazil in 2007, and on the right are 6 Webkinz from when we went to Costa Rica and Chile (Joseph didn't have one that time, as he was too old to need a stuffed animal that adventure). You'll notice that underneath the stuffed animals are eleven binders, one binder for each child. You'll also notice that the first 7 binders are nicely labeled with the child's initial, while the last 4 have no initial. Those blank binders have been reminders to me that I'm kinda not giving the younger kids the same attention as I have the older kids in their young years (granted, the older kid's lives were not blogged daily). But back to the binders... If you zoom in, you'll see that the 8th binder, Sophi's binder, actually is labeled... it is labeled with a little white "S" made from pen and paper. Sophi made that S herself and put it in there. She also decorated the front of her binder.
I think it's so cute, yet also sad, that she had to do it herself, I'm guessing it was about a year ago that she did it. She asked me "what about mine" enough and I didn't help, so she gave up on me doing it. ...although I did help her find scraps of paper I was willing to let her use. But that was it - I didn't have the patience at the moment to give her the time to do this thing that was important to her...until tonight! It took me a little over an hour. Corey took all the kids Wes and younger to look for Halloween costumes (brave man...) and so I had some time in a quiet house and decided it was time. This little 7 year old has been old enough to tell for a few years that she's been shorted her proper treatment. Tonight you get to join the ranks of the kids that have a binder! We even made the big initial on the front of her book out of pink glittery paper! She was very happy and felt very special. Yay, I finally delivered!
I hope it was worth the wait, Soph! Thanks for your patience. You are important to me. Natalie said "What about mine?!?!" Yes, I'm going to make your binder before the week is over, and I'll have yours be sparkly too, cause you've also been so patient with me. I was almost done with Sophi's when the crew came home from costume shopping. Thankfully I was able to finish it with the kids around. Wesley needed a Mario costume cause all the SBOs are being Nintendo people together. So I ordered one online and paid extra for shipping to get it here before Halloween. Then Wes says he needs it by this Wednesday cause he needs it for the school fun run. Blah, I told him too bad, I already spent money on you, deal with it, but Corey was kind and took them out. The store they went to only had a size 6 or a size Adult XL. Wes got the XL. So now I need to hem up the legs for him so he can run in it tomorrow. I told him I don't want to do it tonight, I'll wake up at 5:30
So I better go to bed so I can get up and do it, goodnight!

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