Thursday, November 22, 2018

A Thanksgiving Ski Day

Last night, Corey and Ethan drove up with to Park City with two cars full of kids and two trunks full of snowpants, skis, poles, and boots. Corey's family is all up there for the Thanksgiving break and we joined them this year. Corey got on the ball early this year and rented skis for Hyrum and under. He was ready to make the most of the choice location right by the Park City Mountain Resort, since this time we're there while there's snow on the mountain!

I opted to not sleep over last night (or tonight) and thus I was at home with Mel, who wanted to use the time to practice and catch up on homework, and with my two little boys so that 1) they would sleep in their beds and we can all get a good nights rest and 2) so that I could prep my contribution to the thanksgiving meal in my own kitchen. I got up early today and started making vegan stuffing for Hyrum and I, getting a vegan sweet potato casserole ready, baked potatoes, and I also brought up a vegan broccoli salad. I've been mostly vegan this past year but also allowed some flexibility during this pregnancy, so I would have been okay, but Hyrum is a man of principle and so I had to make sure he had some food options that wouldn't make him compromise his standards. Corey spent the morning on the slopes - a few pictures of their fun - Sophi ready to tear up the mountain
Natalie looking cute in pink.
Go have fun you cute girls!
They headed out, down the stairs.
Corey said it was a rip off, but totally worth the price. It made the day for him. On their way back in after a few hours in the snow, brr!
Corey got tickets for himself, Sophi, and Natalie. Abi had the 5th grader ski pass. Wes said he didn't want to go but then changed his mind, and Corey wanted him to go so he got him a half day pass.
The thanksgiving meal was set to begin at 1, and we were a bit late leaving but were on our way at 12:30. I was in the kitchen all morning and didn't think to look at the weather until we were in the car, doh! It was raining and the further we went, the more it turned to snow. 15 minutes into our drive and the car slid, and I became more and more concerned my bald tires were going to leave us stuck somewhere in the snow  I was glad the crew in Park City had all the ski stuff they needed and that they also had enough food to survive if I chose to retreat from the weather and head for home.
But I kept going forward, venting my stress I drove (thanks for the listening ear, Mel). We made it up the canyon without incident, and didn't have to stop at all for lights or anything when we got off the freeway, yay. We made it all the way to the resort and then had to stop for a truck to turn out before we could head in and up the hill. And that was where we finally got stuck with no traction. Corey must have been watching me on life 360, cause before I even got my phone to call him, there he was coming out to my rescue. He told me to back up into a neighboring hotel parking garage and then gun it. He watched for cars coming, gave me the all clear, and then I hit the gas. We slipped and slid but a cleared part of the road gave me enough momentum to make it all the way up. Phew! We made it! The weather said it would be clear between 5-9 so my plan was to be on the road around 5 and get down the canyon before it was dark. But we hunkered down for a few hours, enjoyed a nice meal together, and I went in the hot tub with Daniel, my one goal for the day. A few pictures before we ate - we went around the room and shared what we were Thankful for.
Then time to enjoy the Thanksgiving feast! Everyone tried to find a place to sit... we're starting to be a big group! enjoying good food an company -
Once the kids were all fed, Corey took them out to ski again, Owen, you excited?
Hm, that looks like a no.
Just kidding, he was just complaining cause the boots felt too tight. Corey had him and Natalie switch... all better. It's such a process getting little kids ready to ski.
I didn't see any of the action on the slopes, but I was still impressed with Corey. Such a good father.
So he headed out with Sophi, Natalie, and Owen, and I did my one to-do - I went swimming in the hot tub with little Daniel.
He's been a bit under the weather this past week, with swollen gums, stinky breath, and difficulty eating. I didn't take him in to the pediatrician, but my consultation with Dr. Google left me with the unprofessional opinion that it's gingovostomatitis. He took his bottle fine, so there was no concern about dehydration, cause he's had a lot of ricemilk. I've just kept an eye on him and he's almost all better. Aren't you, little guy?
He's such a cutie.
Cute smile with big sister Mel.
So we spent an hour+ in the hot tub. Lily tried out the gym.
And Corey headed out with Owen!
Natalie ready to go have more fun.
Looks like she's having a good time. (Once again, Corey, I think you're pretty amazing to take them all out!)
Some of the same from Owen. This is a reason why Corey loves skiing though, cause he can't help them all, they have to push through the hard and figure it out.
It's a good learning experience.
And Owen likes the bonus that there's free food all around!
Enjoying a little snack.
So, I headed home a little after 5 with Owen, Daniel, and Melodie again. Owen and Daniel didn't have naps today, so they crashed once they were put in their carseats. The drive home was great and there were no concerns. I put the kids in their beds, hoping they'd be down for the night. I blogged, exercised, and was almost ready for bed myself around 8 when Owen came into the basement to greet me, with wide awake eyes and full of energy. So that plan didn't work. Hopefully the last nap won't mean that they will be up until midnight. The weather says it should start snowing again at 1:00 am. The hotel reservations were just for two nights, so check out is tomorrow. I'm a little concerned about the Fiesta making it down if there is snow, but Corey was tired after a full day and didn't want to drive down tonight. So he's up there another night with the kids. We'll pray they're able to make it back home safely tomorrow. It was a good and memorable Thanksgiving day. We have very much to be thankful for. 11:00 now, got Owen and Daniel to bed at 10:30, small miracle, I'm going to bed now too.

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