Wednesday, November 14, 2018

...And Found!

Today I got a text from Corey - he asked: "Mel found her flute? Where did she find it?" And I replied "I had not heard that..." and I immediately called Mel. Sure enough, she found the flute at school. Hallelujah! I joked to here that the prayers of my parents and siblings work really fast! Melodie also fasted yesterday, so a combination of those things I'm sure. (Thank you Heavenly Father!) Mel found it and her music books in some room at school called the black box. She said she should have thought to look there. So hooray and phew. She was glad to have it back and practice tonight.
Yes, if you look on the clock on the wall, it is true that she is practicing at 11 pm.
(We stay up too late. The kids more than Corey and I lately... we're learning to just go to bed and leave them with their bad sleeping habits) Ethan practicing in his room - he has All state Auditions coming up and his lesson with Ray tomorrow.
It's noisy with all these instruments, but probably not much noisier than it would be with 10 kids at home anyway. Practicing going on late into the evening/night, but having them practice late is better than them not practicing, so we'll be grateful for evenings like this.

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