Thursday, November 8, 2018


Good day today. We cleaned the house well yesterday and it stayed clean all day today, which was so nice. A clean home makes a perfect palate for kid creativity. Tonight their creativity manifested itself in a restaurant game. I think it was Abi's idea and soon all the little kids had joined in. Abi straightened up the kitchen and then felt like decorating it too, and so she set up some candles. That made it look like a fancy restaurant, so then they made a restaurant. They brought up the toy food and wrote out a menu. Abi put on the chef's hat and an apron.
Yes, before you can play a game, you have to get the proper attire, which every Wride knows. The little girls ready to play - Lily and Natalie in their waiter outfits. Ethan just wanting to get in the shot to flare his nostrils -
Another pic with Eth. Lily was like "fine, I'll pose with him, but he hasn't been part of the game though..."
Sophi is a customer.
I'm not sure they ever really started the game but they were busy at it doing something for 2+ hours. They liked lighting and blowing out the candles. Owen and Daniel were especially drawn in by the magical glow of the little flames.
During the course of the evening, Hyrum made real spaghetti. When Corey finally got home, they turned off all the lights and presented Corey with a candlelit pasta dinner (aka Hyrum's leftovers). On his plate was a love note - from Abi, Lily, Sophi and Natalie. I don't know that Corey ate it (it was late and he'd already had dinner) but he loved the presentation.

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