Saturday, November 10, 2018

Winter Swim

Corey has a friend from Brazil in town. It's our friend Rafael. Corey got him a consulting gig at the place where he consults, and they are having a company conference this weekend. So Corey helped him get a room up at the Marriott with our timeshare. We took advantage of his accommodations by treating ourselves to the hot tubs this evening. I told the kids to get ready, but I wasn't planning on swimming, plus I don't have a maternity swimsuit, so I was just in my regular clothes and figured I'd just watch from the sides. We left at 3:00 and grabbed some pizza on the way up. 40 minute drive, then we ate in the room. Then we went outside to swim around 4:30, but it was crazy cold and I wished I could get in. Darn it, poor planning on my part, I was watching them but was freezing! Owen didn't want to go in at first, but I made him. You gotta get in, it's too cold out of the water!
The older kids watched the toddlers, I sat on the edge and pulled up my pants to soak my feet and calves in the warm water.
Owen kinda had fun. Maybe?
There's a smile, good job buddy. Do you like to swim?
He liked it, and had fun, but only for 30 minutes.
So an hour drive to get here for this activity and he's done by 5:00. Great.
You can't be done yet, Owen! We just got here! Get back in the pool!
I tried to entice him into another pool, but harder to make them swim when I'm not in the pool to hold them in.
It didn't work. So the older kids took Daniel into the big pool. Which was warm enough, but I didn't want to go over to that one, I was cold enough as it was.
We pretty much had the place to ourselves.
Too bad that after 30 minutes they didn't want to be there! 
Ok, fine, we can be done. So back to the room to finish off the pizza.
Then over to the Mine - Owen is in his happy place again!
The rest of the kids were in their mind numbing place.
Ooh, Daniel is happy too! He's got free reign with a marker!!!
They have a white board-like table and a basket full of expo markers - you go ahead and draw away buddy, I won't stop you. So, Corey was home with Ethan and Hyrum, who were finishing music. They were gonna come up too, but since we were done I told them not to. So we went home and they watched a movie while I ran to Barnes and Noble to get books for school. When I got back, I got a kick out of Daniel, who was set up like the older kids in front of the big screen...
With his territory clearly claimed and in the zone watching the flick.
Daniel! You're cute! Wanna give me a smile? There it is, what a cute little guy.
It was a good week and a good weekend. I'm always proud of myself when I get myself out of the house. Will try to make myself do it a few more times before the baby's here.

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