Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Nerf War

Today I had my 2nd to last doctor appointment, yay. One more on Jan 7th, then hopefully at that one I'll be scheduled for my elective induction. I have been pretty much in worthless mode the past few weeks - although I did take down the trees tonight, as I had stated I would. I'm not on top of it or unstoppable, but I do want to try to get the house a little recovered from Christmas before baby comes, so I got less than 3 weeks to kick it in gear. But like I said, I haven't been contributing much this month. Corey, knowing this, did pretty much all the Christmas shopping for our large brood (well, I had picked up a few gifts in October) and he did all the wrapping. Pretty awesome guy I married right there, thanks sweetie. So, a little bit about one of the gifts he got for the kids yesterday - the kids EHWALSN (Ethan through Natalie) each received a Rival Nerf Gun. He has a grand vision of taking the family over to the church for an all out Nerf war. He got the biggest gun for himself, but ended up gifting it to Natalie (pic 7)
I think the highlight of Corey's Christmas yesterday was seeing his little girl going all gangster on her siblings. Corey got this video of her right after she'd taken a few dozen rounds at them with her semi automatic. I think Corey meant to get her in action but the camera must not have been ready, but here's a clip of a priceless little giggle that is pretty cute, as she delights at the power in her hands. Her ready-to-aim hop and stance the last second is great too

So, yesterday, after we all opened presents and after talking to Joseph, Corey and the kids headed over to his parent's house, I stayed home while Owen and Daniel took a nap. They enjoyed opening gifts with extended family.
When my toddlers woke up, we got ready to go over and join in the family bonding. Corey asked me to bring all our new Nerf Guns, cause cousin Isaac had received a Nerf gun and pistol from Santa and was in full combat regalia.
"Can you bring the guns cause we might need to go to war..." and in another voice message 30 minutes later - "Yeah, bring every gun you got... Isaac's got to get it handed to him..." So I tried to find the guns in the disorder that had been left in Christmas' wake, I found 6 of the 7 guns and as many bullets as I could, and then I headed over with Owen and Daniel. When I got there, Daniel headed inside and everyone else came and loaded in the van - they went to the church for a battle. The boys made a pretty impressive fort.
I had forgotten Lily's gun though, I didn't see it on her bed, but I did look. So Corey went home to get her gun and to get the charger for Natalie's gun. The kids got their war zones ready and tried a few warm up fights, but it didn't quite work cause the girls mostly hid in the bathroom and complained/cried that the boys kept shooting at them. "Well, isn't that the game? What did you think you guys were going to do when you all decided to come over here for a Nerf war?" Owen was also sad cause he wanted Corey and then I decided to bail out with him after Mel accidentally shot him in the eye. Back to Grandma's I went as soon as Corey got back. Daniel had been having fun in a new spiderman mask and cape. 
Looks like grandma took some notes when we went over for dinner after General Conference. These little boys love masks!
Owen tried on his Batman mask and cape. They felt pretty cool.
So, that was the rest of our Christmas day fun. The Nerf war wasn't as ideal as Corey envisioned, he said we need more firearms and ammunition. I guess with 11 kids, you can't be too prepared? Maybe he'll be heading out to do some more Christmas shopping, we'll see. And I'm glad, eventhough the bullets all over the house might drive me crazy, that I can kinda wash my hands of it, cause I wasn't the one who bought them. Kids' need a dad, cause he's the fun one. 

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