Friday, December 14, 2018

One Month From Today

Guess what might be happening just one month from today? I might be done making this baby!!! I'm crossing my fingers that I'll be induced at 39 weeks, so we're almost there, can I get a "hallelujah"? Yes, that will be a good day. One day at a time. Today is Friday, the little kids just have 3 days of school next week and then they're out for the winter break. Today they were supposed to wear Chrsitmas stuff to show their school spirit. Natalie willingly wore the Snomwan costume. I think she has a bit of the same confidence that Wesley has, to be able to wear silly clothes to school in front of their friends. Good job Natalie.
She also insisted that she walk by herself to the bus stop today, which was a first.
I went out to the driveway to check that she'd made it (had to go out to see past the neighbor's trees) and when Natalie saw me she told me to "go back home!" to watch Owen and Daniel, which was kinda funny. I took the kids on a drive tonight to Provo to pick up some brownies from BYU catering, brownies that I ordered for church. It was a good experience! I think if I ever have to prepare large quantities of food, I'll use the BYU Food to Go, it was nice and easy and pretty affordable I thought. Good stuff.
Not much else happened today. Excited to have another day checked off the calendar though, we're getting closer, one day at a time.

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