Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Midway Ice Castle

Tonight we went up with some of my siblings to see the Ice Castle in Midway. I got an email inviting me to a VIP event at the Ice Castle and offering me free admission. Now I'm not sure how I got on that email list, but I thought we'd try it out and see if it was legit. So I rsvp'd for complimentary tickets for me and "my group", I threw out the invite to my siblings, and we all met up there tonight. Turns out it was for real! So we got in for free! (Hibberts love that!) ...and we got a complimentary group photo...
...AND they gave us tickets for a free $5 treat for each of us (although the little snack shack ran out of food - only had 3 cinnamon rolls left and a plate of broken cookies, which my kids gladly took). It was a fun outing! We only got a little lost on the way, my fault, cause I didn't think Google Maps was leading us to the right place. But they were, so I turned around. Beka and Matt got there first, Lily drove up with them. They waited at the ticket office. We left our home around 6:15, got there about an hour later. We parked, and it was cold - 10 degrees. As I was leaving, Corey requested that I not take a new baby out into the cold, which made sense. So Wesley stayed in the car with Peter and was going to call me if Peter woke up. But then Wesley's phone was almost dead (2%) so my brother we went and got them and they came into the ticket office.
Owen and Daniel looked super cute. I think toddlers in snow gear are just adorable.
I was laughing at Daniel, which made him smile, but he was trying not to smile, which made me laugh even harder and then made him try not to smile more. 
Pretty stinkin' cute
I walked to the ice castle just to be in the big group photo, then I went in and quickly went out the exit (which was hard to find) and to the gift shop where it was warm for Peter. Wesley stayed in there with Peter. I went back in the exit to possibly help Natalie go to the bathroom, but once I got there she insisted that she was fine and didn't need to go. So we got our treats. Daniel eating a piece of cookies -
I didn't get a lot of pictures or footage of us in the castle cause I was going back and forth with kids, but my siblings took some cute pictures. 
I'll try to upload them later. It was fun, they had slides and small tunnels to walk through, the kids had a lot of fun.
Sophi decided she was super cold, and Owen was done, so I took them to the gift shop. Soon Beka showed up with Daniel and Natalie. Daniel finished Sophi's cinnamon roll as he made himself comfortable on the floor
And then we watched Lindsay Stirling play her violin in the ice castle
I helped Natalie go to the bathroom, and then she got mad when I told her she was done and we weren't going back out into the castle. It was cold, and they were almost closed anyway. Sorry little girl!
Peter slept the whole time. We drove home and got back at 10. Peter did wake up and start to fuss a little bit the last 15 min of the drive home, so I hurried in and fed him. He's a good little baby.
It was a fun extended family outing. We don't get together much with my siblings, but this has inspired me to try to do a little more with them. Like maybe we can shoot for getting together once every 3 months? We'll see. Good times.

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