Thursday, February 28, 2019

2 Hour Church

So, in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, we used to spend 3 hours at church on Sundays. That was changed this new year. They announced it in October at the General Conference of the church, and now it's being implemented. So we only go for two hours now instead of three. This allows more time for us to be at home together as a family and to study the gospel at home.

I'm not sure what I think of it so far. And it might be cause I'm in newborn mode with Peter and haven't really been able to get into the swing of things. But so far I am missing time at church. It seems that, so far, it is just more goof off time for us instead of gospel instruction time. Like yesterday we seemed to spend most of our time having nerf wars. This is what our Sundays have been like the past 3 weeks.
It's cute to see everyone playing and having fun, but sometimes I feel like all we do is have fun around here. All play and no work. Here's Daniel ready to take on the world.
Another picture from Church yesterday... Nursery time is shortened to just an hour, so they don't have much time to play. Well, the rest of Daniel's classmates don't have a lot of time to play, but we've been taking this noisy boy in to the nursery soon after he starts being roudy, so he's getting more time
Setting up all his cars.
He's a cute kid. I guess I won't judge the new 2 hour block change yet, since I'm not in a typical/normal season of life with our new baby. I'll roll with it for now the best I can, and I know that soon enough I won't have this little guy nursing or needing my attention, and I'll re-evaluate my feelings about it then.

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