Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Anniversary Skiing

After Corey treated me to a nice night away, I thought I would come up with another anniversary activity for us. I decided we could go night skiing at Brighton (with the get out pass, sweet!) I made sure Melodie would be home to be the mother of my baby, cause I was going to leave Peter for over an hour! (I caught a smile today!)
Abi was holding my baby as I kiss him before we head out - I love you, Peter!
Melodie got off work and said she would be in charge. Before Corey left for work yesterday morning, I asked him if he had an anniversary preference: fancy dinner or skiing. He didn't reply. I asked again over messaging later. He thought I was thinking to take the whole family skiing. "No, it's just for you and me!" and then he liked that idea. He came home at 4, we got dinner ready for the kids and got ourselves ready, and then we headed out. We left at 4:40. The lights were flashing to the canyon saying that 4 wheel drive or chains were required. I wanted to still drive up, cause there was no snow on the forecast and it didn't look bad to me, but yes, we are just in the mouth of the canyon here and might not be able to tell what's going on up there. Corey said we should obey the flashing lights. So we parked in the park-n-ride and got ready to get on the bus, which was scheduled to arrive at 5:06. I was kinda irritated, cause I had baby on the brain, and I felt that waiting for a bus to take us up or bring us back down made me think we'd be taking a longer time gone than necessary. So we talked about our differing opinions about if we need to obey the "chains required" warning and I explained my thoughts about wanting to hurry for Peter's sake (for Pete's sake! ha!). He hadn't thought of that. Yeah, I'm always thinking of that. That is why I didn't enjoy the half marathon years ago when I was nursing Abi, I just couldn't relax during the marathon or the weeks leading up to it when I trained - I couldn't think about the nice run it was, cause I was worried in my mind wondering if my baby was still asleep or if she was awake and crying for me! So, tonight, my goal is to be present with my husband and suppress those worries. I was able to text on the ride up - "How's my baby?!?" "Mel said "He's doing great" Oh good. Peter had already taken a bottle with formula and did just fine. So I still miss my baby, but that's good to know he's fed and happy. Then I started telling Corey about mother cows and when their babies are taken away. (...and that is why we don't drink milk or any dairy! See Dr. Bernard's talk at 48 min, or Dr. Klaper's Webinar - scroll down till you see Dairy Doubts.) Mommas need their babies.

We arrived at Brighton at 5:36. We got our tickets and then walked to the elevator. But then Corey wanted to get helmets! Corey, this was my activity! And I'm frugal, and my $0 activity just had two $4.50 bus fares added to it, and is going to cost two more to come back home, and now you want to rent helmets for $7 each?!? This is not the Hibbert way of doing things. I impatiently tapped my toes, we were stuck behind someone and the rental place's printer wasn't working...
Ok, finally got the helmets, now we can go out into the freezing cold, just like we wanted.

Corey said he knew it was going to be cold. I, however, don't have enough experience with skiing to be aware of what a single digit temperature translates to experience-wise. But now I know, and I will try to remember for next time. It was COLD.
On our third ride up the lift - we're nice and frozen now.
Nothing like a romantic get away into the mountains.
I haven't skied enough to even know where we were. It was nice to see a map later to get perspective. We took Majestic and went down Mary's Back on our first run, then runs 2 and 3 were both up the Crest Express and down Thunder Road. Then we took a break in the lodge at 7:30 to warm up. The hot cocoa helped my fingers learn to feel again.
I told Corey I didn't want any hot cocoa, but he bought a cup for himself and made me have some. He insisted it would warm me up from the inside. My apologies to the cows if it had dairy in it. We made sure we were properly bundled up before we went out again. I zipped up both my coats, ready to roll!
We went out at 7:45 for 2 more runs. The moon was beautiful - come to find out last night was the biggest supermoon of 2019 - Super snow moon! So that was cool, a little gift from Heavenly Father to me (He knows I like the moon). We went up Majestic and down the shoulder, then Crest Express again. Corey dropped one of his poles in the pit right after we got on the lift, so we had to come down to that lift again before going to the bus. That last run we turned left right away but I don't know if it was Wintergreen or Tantamount. (Yes, I took this pic early this morning while nursing Peter.)
Corey was nice and let me call the shots and I was firm that we were not going down any black diamonds. I think the last time we skied together was in 2014 and the last time I was on the slopes at all was in 2016 when Abi and I had to be rescued by the ski patrol. I wondered if he was bored waiting for me, but I'm hoping that I was more fun to ski with than the kids? We turned in the helmets at 8:10, headed to the bus stop at 8:20, like the bus driver on the way up told us to do. And the bus came at 8:36. On the ride home we warmed up, but my toes were still cold.
We got home in pretty good time, Peter was well, kids were all still alive. It was fun. Maybe we'll try it again but we'll go earlier at 4 before the sun is all the way down. Happy Anniversary to us, love you Corey.

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