Friday, February 22, 2019

Dr. Phil

So we have added a new tradition to our evening routine. Before we go to bed, we read the scriptures, have a family prayer, and the new thing is that, if everyone is quiet and cooperates during those two proceedings, we can watch a little bit of Dr. Phil. It's their new favorite show!

So last week on Tues, Feb 12th, Mel and Ethan came from from school with a sibling battle in their wake. On the outward appearance it appeared to be a squabble over the temperature inside the car. Ethan wanted the heat on high to keep his feet warm vs. Mel's feet were burning hot and she wanted it off. Didn't seem like something they shouldn't have been able to resolve... but a little more detail comes out - Ethan wanted the heat on high but he also wanted the window down letting the cold winter air blow in. This was while they were on the freeway (I personally never like or allow the window open on the freeway) But Ethan wanted his face cold and his feet warm. Well, that seems like he was being a bit difficult to want it both ways... I started to take Mel's side (of course Ethan would accuse me of always taking her side or anyone's side except his.) He texted Corey, I sent a message to Corey too - poor guy trying to get work done and we're always dragging him in to this teenage drama. Corey was at his parent's house. Dr. Phil was on. He was listening to the Dr. give advice to lots of dysfunctional people. Corey felt there was something our kids could learn. So we watched Dr. Phil that night as a teaser before scriptures that night. And we have everyday since. The kids find it fascinating. Corey thought it was a good way to show them the different paths people take. I quote - "We need to watch more Dr. Phil, so that while they are young and impressionable they will learn a correct sense of wrong paths..." A few favorites from last Wednesday night - Batman and Beverly Hills Brat. They laughed at Batman doing a roundhouse kick with a tummy that looks like mine more than a super hero's six pack -  "He doesn't look like Batman..." Corey commented.

Here are a few pics from last Friday, the older kids didn't have school. Not wanting them to waste the whole morning sleeping, Corey was able to entice them out of bed with Dr. Phil. They watched 2 hours of it.
It's kinda funny. But it is also a strategy that I think is working in giving them a correct sense of how ridiculous they sound sometimes. It's given Corey and I some good things to ask and point out too. We'll try to take some clues and lessons from Dr. Phil on how we can relate to these adolescent kids.

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