Monday, February 11, 2019

BYU Tour and Naps

Corey gave a lecture today for Dr. Dyer's business strategy class at BYU and invited Mel and Ethan to come with him. They took a tour of BYU and now Mel officially has senior-itis. Ethan is excited too, cause after Corey's class lecture there was no quiz and they just had a discussion - with excitement he declared "College is gonna be a breeze!" Corey's glad they are both pumped about being cougars. Now they just need to be accepted!
He took them to lunch at the Skyroom Restaurant.
Mel should hear back next month, and then Corey will officially turn all his attention to getting Ethan ready to launch

Here are a few pictures of what my day looked like - Owen right before I woke him up from his nap:
Sweet Peter snuggled in for one of his many naps -
Natalie slept a lot today too - she fell asleep this morning before school, and then layed down on our floor after she got home. She feels a bit warm, I think she's sick.
Tonight I was feeling frustrated as I simultaneously got dinner ready (rice bowls), and tried to get kids to clean up a bit. Dinner was served, but the cleaning up part went unsuccessful. I feel like we need some "how to run a home and teach kids how to work" tutorials or lessons from someone, cause so often I feel like I don't know what I'm doing or how to teach them what to do. Sigh. Here's a funny picture of Peter, looking how I feel - like he's exasperated with all of us!
We just keep doing our best. One kinda funny multitasking moment for me: After dinner I was sitting on the couch nursing Peter and had Daniel came up at my side and proceeded to drive a toy car up my left arm, down my leg, back up onto Daniel's head...
...that while on my right side I'm helping Sophi with her reading list/power words/speed timer.
I hardly get a moment to do any physical work around here (laundry, dishes, clean room) cause I'm trapped with a baby on my chest or in my arms. And many of my sitting down moments look like that. It's tricky figuring it out. Hard sometimes, although I'm much happier to have the baby out than in. After Mel got home from work (Costa Vida) she helped me by holding Peter -
thus I am very pleased to report that I did clean up our bedroom (floors only) AND was able to vacuum it, so that's a big win.
Mel is one of the few kids that I don't worry about her holding Peter and him being happy and safe with her. I think he can tell she's a natural mother (she's had the most practice with her younger siblings). Her snuggling with our little sleeping pill ended as it usually does when the kids hold babies around here ~
While I was cleaning a, Corey was helping Hyrum in our room to work out his registration for school next year. Owen and Sophi were laying close by, making sure Corey didn't get far from their reach. I felt Owen and he seems a bit warm with a fever too. Winter sick bugs are making the rounds around here. We'll see how tomorrow goes with that.

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