Thursday, February 14, 2019

Valentine's Day and Infant Tyrrany

Happy Valentine's Day. I didn't help the kids with hardly any of it again, but I did buy the candy at the store. Melodie helped Abi make a piano valentine "box" out of cardboard. 
I thought it was really good! They are creative, and I like seeing them help each other, and am also glad that I don't have to do it.
Abi left early for safety patrol, and the other girls got so spend a little bit of time before school giving some snuggling love to everyone's favorite Valentine, Peter!
Oh, he's so pretty - 
Yes we're all in love love love with this little boy.
Sophi had her violin lesson today. When she and Corey got back home, Corey told her to get her stuff out of the car. She did but it was quite a lot to hold, since she had her valentine bag from school along with her back pack, coat, and violin stuff. She struggled to carry it in and Corey wan't holding anything (he had already taken a trip inside and then came back out to help me) and Sophi made some comment like "Thanks for making me do all the work!" which just made me laugh. These 1st graders do a lot of work, time for us parents to step it up and do our share, right? ha.
A picture of Owen this afternoon playing with a Duplo train he made. 
He's a good little boy, and usually plays quite contently by himself, and will sometimes play nicely with Daniel too, as long as they don't decide to pick on each other. Funny quote by Corey tonight. So, we were all gathered for scriptures in our bedroom, and Owen and Daniel were fighting over bouncy balls. To stop the distraction, Corey took both the balls away and then lay on the floor on his tummy to continue listening. Daniel was not having it, and in a fit of toddler rage, he picked up a small red ball pump off the floor and proceeded to whack Corey on the back with it. Corey then got up, took the pump, and put Daniel in "the hold". This was Daniel's first full session of "the hold".

I've seen Daniel take revenge like this recently, upon me or his siblings. I've intervened for the siblings, but since Daniel is the youngest and smallest, they can all hold their own against him and we mostly just find it amusing. So I confessed to Corey that Daniel has hit me before and I didn't discipline him much for it other than saying no-no and possibly wagging my finger at him. Corey looked at me with a head shake - no more of that... "Nope... we gotta nip that in the bud. We must not be amused by tyranny, even in its infantile state..." Lol

Usually after being disciplined by Corey in this way, and after they've calmed down, they then want to snuggle with Corey and be reassured of his love for them. But Daniel didn't want anything to do with him and instead came over to me for comfort. He was shaking and whimpering, I'd never seen him so worked up. Corey said "It's pretty amazing, cause all I'm doing is holding him still..."
You okay, little guy? I'm sorry you were held still on your father's lap, that must have been hard. But hey, maybe don't pummel him with a ball pump again and you might be able to avoid this! The hold from year's past - Natalie in the hold - Lily in the hold

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