Monday, February 25, 2019

Babies Don't Keep

Most mornings, I find myself lying on the couch with Peter. This morning as the first of my alarms began to go off, he woke up. He was looking so cute.
Its easy to feel happy in the morning (or middle of the night) when I get to wake up to such a cute little face. Peter!! We love you!
Most times it just feels tragic though, cause the alarm doesn't wake him, and he's snuggled up next to me, peacefully sleeping. And I just regret that I have to move. If only I didn't have to get kids up and out the door! But even if we do get to sleep in, like on Sundays, I guess he is still going to sleep until I move him. If only I could just stay home on the couch with just him in a quiet house all day and not have any reasons to have to get up. I didn't get to do it when Joseph was a baby, cause we were in school. And I've had kids ever since, so time keeps marching on and I never get to push pause on the newborn days. Maybe no one does get to pause this time, we just have to be present and enjoy the pockets of peace we do find with them.
I guess even if I could, I'm sure the days would still fly by.
I'm going to try and enjoy my pockets of peace with Peter. I'll try to let the mess slide a little bit and hope my family is patient with me. This is just a short season we are in, so let's soak it up as best we can. Soon enough he will be running around making messes, or catching the bus for kindergarten, or getting ready to serve a mission. I just realized the way I learned this poem isn't right, but I might keep saying it this way, cause I made up a little tune I sing along with it -

Cleaning and dusting can wait til tomorrow
For children grow up, we've learned to our sorrow,
So fly away cobwebs and dust go to sleep.
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep.

(Also, something fun I did today was figure out my parenting age - add up the ages of all your children, and that is your parenting age. Corey and I are 118!!! No wonder we feel old!)

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