Monday, April 8, 2019

Power Bill

So I think this is pretty funny. Every month, we get a notice from the power company, sharing how our power usage compares to our neighbors who have similar sized houses. Surprise surprise, our large family uses more power than the empty nesters and smaller sized families. But does the power company take time to find this out? No, all they do is tell us that our home is not power efficient and they send us a sad emoji-ish light bulb to emphasize their disappointment is us.
Look at that stare, judging us... condemning us. Telling us we are only "fair" wasn't enough, they tell us how much more we are spending. Ok, I get it, I'll tell the kids to turn off the lights! Believe me, I'm trying! But no, that wasn't enough, they send us a picture of a big disappointed light bulb to really drive the point home. I'm sorry little light bulb (stop looking at me like that!) I will try harder! Someday, it make take us years, but someday, I know we will earn an approving smile from you. I won't give up 'til that day comes. Until then, know that I see your face, I sense your sadness, and I will try to bring you happiness, I will try to earn a "good" smile from you, someday...

So, other then Mr "shame on you" lightbulb, it was a good day - We had veggie burgers and fries for dinner, I turned my burger into a burger salad, which I quite enjoyed.
After dinner, Corey took the kids swimming at Dimple Dell tonight for FHE, but I was able to insist their clean their rooms first (little girls room is clean, hooray! (except under the bed...)), I stayed home with Peter. I'll try to update with pics of their swim time later.

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