Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Vegan Resolution

So. Last night before scriptures, Corey thought he'd share one of his videos from his youtube and internet findings. It was an Unreported World episode called "The Vietnam Dog Snatchers". He only got 20 seconds into sharing it with us though, cause after the 3 clips in those first 20 seconds, the kids were screaming. Especially Lily. Well thanks for that sweetie! I added a few comments: why do we care about dogs and our pets but we eat other animals? You know pigs are just as smart at dogs. If we humans say we care about animals, well hey, maybe we shouldn't eat them? I'm glad Corey showed them the start of that video. They didn't like it, but I do believe it has helped push them another step in the hopefully plant-based eating direction. This morning, I found this note on Lily's shelf with a little reminder she made for herself:
I watched the whole video today. It is sad to watch, so you've been warned.
Here's one more vegan-ish article I've been meaning to share - a cow now named Brianna that escaped the slaughter house truck and delivered a baby calf 2 days later. I read that in January, after I was driving Wes home after picking him up from a LBB Tour, and on the drive home we passed like 5 semi trucks full of cows. It made me sad. I'm glad to plant based.

What else. Abi had an orthodontist appointment today, and right after that I had planned to go to the Tulip Festival with my dad. My mom came too, and we drove down together - Mom, Dad, me and a few kids. We got rained out though. Like downpour. We headed home rather than wait it out to see if it stopped. Kinda bummed, I don't know why I didn't check the weather this morning. Hopefully we have another chance to go before the festival ends.

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