Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Mop and Shine Up

On Monday I told my friend Iveth to not to worry about coming on Wednesdays and we'd just do a big clean on Mondays, but she texted asking if I wanted to start that next week or this week, so then I said yeah, just come today for a little bit. As soon as I said that though, I kicked it in gear and I got the main floor clean in 30 minutes. So when she came it looked good (I'm not going to worry about the kids' rooms today, they're covered in a mess of clothes) so I said let's do a good scrub of the kitchen tile and grout. It took us two hours, and my fingers are raw and will be cracking from the bleach, but the floor looks lovely!! Ahhh~
At Iveth's request, I bought a bottle of "quick shine" last week, and so we did that to the floor too. I got it all on right after putting the boys down for their naps at 1, so it had two hours to dry before kids came home. Yay, its looks pretty! And we did a deep clean of the master bedroom and bathroom on Monday. It is still clean and lovely today, even under the bed.
It's been really nice to have Iveth come and help me here. The house is cleaner that it's ever been before and we have a fun time visiting as we work. Joseph called today as we were cleaning, so Iveth finished the scrubbing while I talked to him. He's doing good. We sure miss him, he's almost been gone 11 months!! The first few weeks were hard, but it's gone faster since he got in the field. I hope it keeps going by fast!

On Wednesdays, Melodie usually has Lyceum and Wesley has Little Big Band, both of which are in American Fork, so they drive down together. Today though Mel didn't have Lyceum, so I took Wes and ran to Costco while we waited. Corey needed the van for a youth activity at the church, so we took his car. Corey put in Owen and Daniel's carseats in and they were right next to each other. Thus the predictable occurred - they were fighting a good portion of the time during the drive. They did okay in Costco. But while we waited for Wes to finish, I got Peter out and was nursing him and Owen and Daniel were touching each other and trying to hit each other and yelling and crying, it was loud and irritating. They did okay on the drive home, but then we had more "wait in the car" time as we waited for the youth activity. They were meeting at the church at 6:30, but we were getting off the freeway at that time. So they were coming our way, so we just parked and waited. I nursed Peter, and O and D went at it again. Wesley had a bright idea to put a divider between them. He went to the trunk, emptied the Costco box of food, and then broke it down to put between them. Owen was fine after that, but Daniel was putting his hand through the cardboard handle hole to try and get at Owen still. It was pretty funny. I'll post those pictures later. I was glad to get home. I asked everyone if they noticed the lovely floors and most of them said yes. So yay, it is noticable, and we'll see how long we're able to make it last!

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