Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Big Kids Gone

Youth Conference started tonight at 5. Corey asked Iveth to come help him, so I watched her 3 kids here with my littles. All my older kids were over there and so I was here but without my older kids (mostly Abi, Wes and Hyrum) here to entertain them  help keep an eye on things. It didn't get too out of control, but I could feel my stress levels rising, because I think that is what this whole weekend is going to look like. Which is okay. I can make this sacrifice to support Corey. He's going to need the van this weekend too, so I'm gonna be here at home without a car with enough seats for all my kids. So no Thanksgiving Thursday this week. Are all my lofty summer plans already starting to get foiled? No, it's not all or nothing. But I do feel a bit of frazzledness coming on, I'll try to not give into sugar or carb cravings. So that was today from my perspective. I'm sure Corey is taking a lot of pictures over there, I will try to update with those, or maybe will do a youth conference post later next week when they are back and I get the pictures off Corey's phone.

Joseph called earlier than usual today and we had a good talk with him. Next week will be his one year mark. But today might be a milestone too, cause Joseph said that he did the math, and that according to his calculations, (and if he doesn't extend his missionary service and is released on June 10th as it is currently planned...) then today is his half way mark.
Say cheese for the phone!
Part of our conversation what about sending him a package. I needed to send him one to get an Alphasmart to one of his old companions, Elder Aquino (...not his trainer, but his comp from when he was changed to Jutiapa at the end of January.) Looking through my emails - Joseph has mentioned it in an email Feb 6th, that Elder Aquino was asking him how much his Alphasmart was. So I ordered it back in February, but have apparently been too busy/lazy and it will have taken me 4 months to send it to him, sorry Elder Aquino! I guess I have a newborn as an excuse. Anyway, good news is I finally sent it today - so after we were done talking to Joseph, I hurried out to run errands and get him some requests before all my babysitters left for Youth Conference at 5pm. I went by Walmart first to get a webcam and an AUX adapter (but that they didn't have the adapter). Then to Deseret Book for a new Preach My Gospel book - Joe said the new 2018 ones have a few great revisions that President Shumway mentioned and Joseph really wanted it. Next I went to Best Buy to see if the Adapter cord, they didn't have it either, the Best Buy guy said I won't find it.
Sorry Joseph! It is mostly for older desktop PCs, which is probably what they have in Guatemala, but not something in high demand here in the US, hence my inability to find it. I emailed him to see if he'll be able to get one there in Guate or I can order it online and send another small package.
Then I went to Scheels to get him a rain jacket, then straight to the UPS Store to ship it to Los Angeles via CTR shipping. That's the same one I used for his birthday package. The lady texted me that it will be delivered to the mission office next Tuesday, so we'll see if he gets it by next week. It's nice to have a trusted way to send things to him, and that was my day - wake, clean, phone call, package errands, home, baby sit, dinner, kids, bedtime. It's 10pm. They should be back soon (I hope) cause they all have to be up and at the church ready to go on the Amazing Race "Restoration Edition" at 7 in the morning.

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