Saturday, June 15, 2019

Happy Birthday to Corey

Today is Corey's birthday. Happy birthday, sweetheart! He told the kids that he's take us all out to eat, so we cleaned up the house while he finished Youth Conference stuff and then we went out. He wanted to go to a restaurant where we all sit and are served, but decided again that Chuck A Rama just makes the most sense. So we went to Chuck a Rama. It was a really long line, but we waited. Owen and Daniel were starting to get a little too loud and crazy and Corey took Owen outside. We finally got to the register to pay. Then while we were waiting to be seated, Ethan was holding Peter and P made a messy diaper. I forgot wipes, but did the best I could with toilet paper in the bathroom. I was already feeling like going out to eat was too much for us to handle. When I came back, everyone had been seated. We were in two booths. I guess there aren't a ton of options when there are 13 of us. Corey was in the booth behind me. I don't know what was going on over in their booth, but in ours it was getting warmed up for crazy. The kids had a ton of junk food and were acting silly.
Sugar on the brain. Sibling "don't get too close to me" going on with Abi and Lily here.
Wes being weird.
I tried to eat a salad while Peter gnawed on a fry.
(He's so cute)
You know he's really trying when he uses his whole body to eat, like he's doing an ab crunch.
Today I had two big salads and 5 fries. Yesterday I finished a 3 week no sugar challenge. I don't think I want to go back to the way I used to be, so I didn't have any of the desserts. I don't know what was going on the other other booth, but Corey probably took pictures. Too bad he doesn't blog, so I can't guarantee that anyone will ever see them. Since I had Peter in my arms, I had Mel snap those pics. Soon Corey got up and said he was going out to the car with Owen and Daniel. Happy Birthday? It would have been nice if the kids had napped before or after we went, but they are all off schedule with the summer. I'm not sure how to fix it. Here was Owen asleep in our bedroom at 7am this morning. Still has his shoes on. Yeah, our daytime and bedtime routine both have lots of room for improvement.
I looked at his booth, he was with Ethan and Sophi and Natalie. They were being goofy too. I sat over there and tried to clean up a little bit, then headed out too. Abi threw some food at Lily and she threw it back and I told them we are not taking them out to eat again this year. Not that we do it much. But man they are kinda crazy. Next time we should do something classier than Chuck a Rama (no offense Chuck a Rama).

Tonight Iveth and Diego came over to wish him happy birthday. Iveth held Peter as I cut cake. He fell asleep in her arms.
We talked about how Latinos make you shove your face in the cake. We USA-ians don't like that. Corey and I didn't even do it on our wedding. Then we tried to show them that part in our wedding video, but that part at the reception wasn't on it. Corey stayed up talking with them until 1 am! I went to bed and am finishing blogging this Sunday morning. (just kidding, it's June 25, ha) We told them that they don't have to bring by cake or presents for us on our birthdays but they seem to kinda insist. I think birthdays are a bigger deal in Latin America? I hope that all the birthdays we have coming up don't wear them out! It's fun to have friends like them, they are a great family and we love them.

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