Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Laguna Beach

Last full day at Newport. We went swimming again. Owen took a nap while we were there. 

We talked and texted and let the kids vote as we tried to figure out the best time to leave for the beach, but giving enough time for everyone to grab a bit of lunch. We decided on 3:30. We went to Laguna Beach. Waiting for the resort shuttle, yay we all got there in time.
Owen's sweet little face.
Joseph called from Guatemala as we were getting on the bus. I had him on my phone and Corey did too, but Corey was on speaker, so when I said something to the kids my echo sounded through Corey's phone to the whole bus. Hence Corey telling me shhh
Looking out at the California coast.
 We arrived at Laguna. There was a pretty sailboat in the distance. Maybe someday I'll paint it.
Overcast day. A beautiful beach.
The kids got right to work digging in the sand making castles and moats and fortresses
Hyrum and Natalie
The kids soon were in the waves. Daniel followed them, and he got knocked off his feet. He didn't like that.
He was so excited to come and when he saw the beach, but after getting soaked he was done. I hadn't brought a change of clothes for him.
So Corey took him back to the hotel.
Corey's parents had driven over in their car for a look, Corey went back with them and I stayed with the kids. Soon Peter made a mess. I hadn't brought a change of clothes for him either. What a mess
But he still had a dry swimsuit in my bag, so we got him dressed in that. I lay him on a towel to change him. Sand sand everywhere.
The kids loved the beach though. I love the beach.
I wish we lived closer to one. We'd come all the time.
Hyrum and his brothers built a wall and dared the ocean to try and destroy it.
It was called the Great Wall of Newport. The kids started to bury each other.

Then they started playing a game in the waves, dig a hole for your feet
...and then scream when the waves touched you

A video of their fun

Little girls were busy with their own game, turning each other into machines.

Owen was busy the whole time.

The last activity was burying the big boys.

Natalie's turn to be buried.

Everyone hard at work.
Abi worked on Ethan
Mel on Hyrum.
Mel did one last project - turning Lily into a mermaid.
We stayed until 6:30 - cause the one after that was 8pm and Corey said it would start to get cooler around 7. So back at the hotel and with sand in our hair we went back to the pool. We love the beach.

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