Saturday, June 1, 2019

Quoting Tangled

I recently noticed Owen talking as he walked circles around Peter in his supersaucer toy. Then I noticed what he was saying. He was quoting the movie Tangled when Rapunzel walked around Flynn tied up in a chair. It made me laugh, and I told the kids about it today. They started to quote the movie with Owen to get him going, and soon we were playing out the scene over and over again with him. Owen didn't act it out in the first recording, he was too distracted by all the attention and just ended up giggling instead.
He can't do the "Here comes the smolder" part where he puckers his lips, so we decided to just skip it. After the first run through he was ready to go - I like when he uses his fingers to airquote "simpatico" and also when he says "You broke my smolder"

At the end, he ran out of the room and proceeded to climb down the stairs/tower as he shouted up to Abi "You comin' blondie?"
Then they continued to act it out in the kitchen, which quickly was turned into the Snuggly Duckling in their imagination. The kids fell into any of the roles that were needed. I got the biggest kick out of Sophi, who turned into the bad guy at the Snuggly Duckling as she pointed to Flynn's imaginary wanted poster and she asked Owen in a deep voice "Is this you?" Super fun. I remember quoting movies a lot as a kid. We mostly did Monkee episodes. But it's fun when you can answer a question with a line from a movie or a song and then it just takes off from their. One of most often used around here is "Hey guys what you doin'?" to which we often reply "Avoid Death"

So that was a fun thing from this evening. Then they'd run upstairs to do it again and switch rolls. Owen was always Flynn. They called Corey to come in and see. It was fun

The kids worked hard today cleaning, tomorrow we are heading out for a week long trip - a night in St. George, 3 nights in Newport, then 2 nights in Las Vegas on the way back home. I told them they had to clean the house before we leave. That leads to another video from today that Lily had recorded. I asked her to go get my phone and she never came back. Mel needed it, so she went and got it, and found this recording on it. I usually just delete all the long videos that Lily, Sophi and Natalie make. But Mel watched this one Lily made and got a kick out of it - she told me to come watch it. We must have been in a silly mood cause it had us both almost crying with laughter. Lily was having a hard time cause I wanted the house clean. "You think your life is hard... just to let you know my life is harder." I'm sure that is how she honestly feels, so I'll try to not just ignore it, but I think as she continues through life she'll see that she actually has it pretty good.

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