Thursday, June 13, 2019

Thanksgiving Thursday

So, we went to Thanksgiving Point again today. I think we will try to come here every week, and usually on Thursdays, cause Thursday starts with a "th" just like "Thanksgiving Point" and we need to have acronyms! Owen and Daniel were asking to go see the dinosaurs. So after the kids finished their jobs, we got in the car and off we went. We took Daniel straight to the costumes.
We wanted to make sure that this little boy had plenty of time to play today.
Daniel was happy. I had the big kids come along with me to help. I told them that they have to come along with me to atleast one of the family activities each week. (I'm all about setting policy) And if they came we could get some nice cream afterwards. With older kids there to help we were able to split up more according to interest. Daniel and Owen didn't play with the costumes for very long. Soon Wes and Hyrum recruited them to the water and sand table.
It started off with big brothers trying to help little brothers...
But soon it got a little competitive between Wes and Hyrum and started to get personal. They were trying to see who could have more land, and who could raise their water level higher.
Then it was about who had more dinosaurs, and who had more people helping build it.
Wes was winning that last categoroy. 
Soon it got nasty and was more about the big boys' egos than the little brothers, and so we left Hyrum and Wes there to finish whatever it was that had become so important for them to do. 
So we left them and headed to the quarry for a bit. It was almost time to leave, but they had a few minutes to play.
Look, they even have a little small sand baby pit!
That might not be what this little hole was supposed to be, but Peter loved it. He seemed to like feeling the texture of the sand between his toes. 
Abi didn't come because she was at a birthday party at Cowabunga Bay. But I needed to pick her and her friend up at 5, so that helped let us know when our window was to leave. We had planned to go by Aubergine to buy some nice cream. We were a tad late leaving, so I was going to just pay and then head out with a few kids, but then I decided to stay and let them enjoy the moment and not make anyone have to hurry out.
It didn't take long anyway. Hyrum and some kids wanted to go eat outside.
Here is Peter -
he just came to the realization that I didn't order any nice cream for him.
He's letting us know he thinks were are a bunch of jerks to not get any nice cream for the baby, haha. I left Mel and Wes there with Sophia and Lily, cause Mel and Wes ordered a pizza. And I headed out. I texted the mom of Abi's friend to let them know I was a little late. It worked our perfectly. And with that outing checked off, I'm 4 for 4 this week for having fun with my kids! Go me, it's gonna be a great summer.

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