Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Lazy Summer Days

This summer has been a summer of late nights. We had fun dancing til midnight last Friday night at the Hibbert Reunion. We got home from the reunion Sunday at 4 and lazed away the day until we gathered for prayer, and then we got talking and it was a treat to have all their active interest and we stayed up late talking with the kids. Those moments are rare so we siezed it. Then last night we continued our bad late night habit by leaving to the movies at 9:45 pm. We went to the 10 o'clock showing of Lion King. When Sophi came down stairs this morning I thought her hair represented well the messy party life we're living right now. 
She looked like Anna from Frozen! This picture doesn't capture it justly, but it was really funny, we got a good laugh. Sleepy Sophi
We enjoyed peaches for breakfast. I got 5 trays of them at Costco yesterday, yum!!
Sooo good! All that I need in July is cold juicy peaches.
Life is busy, I got a million things I want to do. I need to recruit the kids. The little girls are lost in lego world and have been for the past 2 weeks when they've been at home. Sometimes it's easier to have them play than to get them to help. The fridge is being stupid again so that is my priority now today, I turned it off and gotta go move all the food to the garage before it spoils more. Just as well, it needs to be cleaned out anyway, but that means no cleaning the basement or thrifting the clutter here. We haven't unpacked everything yet either from the reunion. Peter is still not feeling well. We had a long night with a fever but it was gone at 10 am so that's good.

A few pics from yesterday - I got another violin, which brings our total to five. Five violins, and only four saxophones, haha! Natalie and Sophi both have violins, and yesterday I got one more violin from the classifieds and also went by and bought Natalie her bow. I got two last week, but I texted a lot of people. There was one that looked good and came with two bows, but the guy said he was gone in Nevada, I told him I was looking at others and would text him back if I wanted it. I didn't text him. But then He texted me yesterday asking if I was still interested. ...and that he'd let it go for $50, so, hey, can't beat that. So I got that one too, it is made in China, looks new and shiny. I hope it wasn't stolen for him to let it go for $50. And it came with 2 bows, so sweet, now I'm all set - that's 3 full size violins. Corey saw me and Mel and Wes all fidding around on them yesterday and said after visually counting..."You got ANOTHER violin?" Yeah! ...Just one more.... He didn't see this coming and rightfully thinks that I might be a little crazy. Violins win!! We're ready to go when lessons start next month. And I'll have Ms. Amy tell me which of the 3 I have will be best for me to start with. Here is Wes playing Natalies violin with me, cause I have only been able to tune one of the three full size ones. Wes and I did a pretty sweet twinkle rhythms duo together. We do it along with this CadenzaStringsNC guy on youtube.
Our violins quantity edge over the saxophones was short lived, because a few hours later Lily's new "ocean blue" saxophone arrived.
Corey ordered it a few days ago. It was actually quite inexpensive compared to the other saxophones we have. So sax's are caught up with the violins now. I'll see what I can do to change that. #violinpower haha

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