Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Natalie is 6!

Today was another busy day - a repeat of yesterday - Mel and Abi are at Young Women camp, Corey had volunteered to be the male on guard at the camp, so he was up there over night. Hyrum had driver's ed at 7 this morning. I left here at 6:30 with him - Driver's Ed is out at Taylorsville High School from 7-10. Corey was headed back just in time to be able to pick Hyrum up, so that was nice and saved me a trip. Ethan left at 8:30 for his ACT class, which went from 9-4, then he went straight to work 5-close. Lily had a day camp today from 12-9, Wes had Little Big Band at 4. Corey took him cause was going to sub in Crescent for Ethan at 2. Corey practiced the sax a bit to warm up his chops after he got home with Hyrum. Then after driving down he found out it was sectionals today so he didn't need to be there, and the sectionals were cancelled anyway, so that was kinda too bad he lost that time for no reason. It was nice of him to be willing to sub last minute for Ethan though. I've been home with HSNODP. And today is a fun day cause it's Natalie's happy birthday! If you zoom in on her in this picture below, I think she looks pretty funny.
So Natalie is 6! Corey has been up in Park City this week with some of the kids, including Natalie, but she wanted to be home for her birthday, so they came home yesterday around noon and we've been hanging here. I set an alarm this morning to go get her a birthday present. I did already have one gift on hand, but I ran out to get ice cream and donuts for her "cake" - when I had it all ready, we went to wake her up and sing.
Natalie! It's your birthday! Do you want donuts?!? Hurry before Owen and Daniel eat them all...
I only got 8 donuts. Ethan had his before he headed out for his ACT class, and Owen and Daniel had already eaten the frosting off of theirs and were ready to go for another. That's when I said basically told everyone to get up or lose their donut to the toddlers. Make a wish!
I bought her toys when I got the donuts. I've never bought toys from the grocery store, but it was a pretty good experience! Most of the things I wanted were on sale, yay. I got her a few Toy Story 4 toys, a Super Hero girl, and coloring books and crayons.
The other gift was a little school house Calico Critter knock off brand from Target. I originally bought it thinking it would be for Lily, but then I decided to save it. Good call, Natalie loves it.
So then all the grandparents came by with presents and then Natalie played all day. The last birthday tradition, new this year, was to see Iveth and her family. Abi had dropped off a blanket to them that we had in our car after the 4th of July fireworks. Then we were texting and when Iveth knew we were home, she and her kids came by. I had cake, they brought ice cream. And with that last birthday visit out of the way, Natalie was willing and Corey and the kids were going to head back up to Park City. We were able to talk Iveth into going, so Corey took her two boys up and Maria stayed with me and Daniel for a little bit. I kept them busy playing with the water in the back yard so they wouldn't notice everyone was heading out without them. Then Iveth ran to run a few errands and pack, then pick up Diego at work to let him know they were going to Park City, fun surprise haha. So I'm here with Ethan, Daniel and Peter. Ethan has his ACT class tomorrow, and I'm going to stick around until Abi and Mel get back from their girls' camp tomorrow around noon. Then we'll probably head up to Park City to join in the fun. Should be tolerable with another mom up there helping keep eyes on the toddlers.

Oh, and it's Wednesday, so we got to hear from Joseph. He called earlier than usual, he was able to see some of the birthday fun. He is training again. I showed him Peter and he Peter didn't have his shirt on and Joseph said "That is a white baby... I haven't seen a white baby for such a long time!"
I thought that was funny. But things are good in Guate and things are good here at home, so we're all good. We'll prob have a little extension of the birthday fun up in Park City tomorrow cause they left the ice cream here before having a chance to eat it! Happy birthday Natalie!

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