Wednesday, September 11, 2019

House Work Day

K, I'm really excited about the state of our house right now. But first, the most exciting news of the day - look! Peter is standing! He pulled himself up by himself! Look at those cute little locked legs - I love it!
SO CUTE!!!! Oh those little legs are so adorable. Today I worked hard and the house is almost all clean - Here is the little boys room - a simple room with their train table, beds, and clothes. And just a few car toys.
Second exciting thing - even the big boys' room is clean!
Well, a few bins of clean laundry on the beds, but I'll take it. I have a few last things to sort out -
And the last exciting thing - Look at the girls' room!!! ALL CLEAN!!!
Now that Mel is gone to college, everyone is able to claim what space will be theirs for the next year or so. Maybe Mel was the problem this whole time, haha, j/k Mel. We'll see how long the little girls can keep this up.
The plan is that if I wash their clothes every day or every other day, then the biggest problem should be taken care of.
We've been doing really good at music. We listen to the Suzuki book 1 in the morning as they get ready for school. Then when they get home we practice. That's the plan anyway. Tonight we were a little late. Daniel joined us. And that is why I have an extra violin - for Daniel's toy. Or a violin for him to practice with so he feels included in the music group. Kinda could be a cello for him. We just need to get him to turn it the other way around. 
What instrument do you want, Daniel? Cello would be cool. Or trumpet? Maybe Owen's going to go with the trumpet. Or maybe they'll do the saxophone? You guys have a while to decide, you'll do great at whichever instrument you choose.

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