Monday, October 21, 2019

36 Hours Later

Good news! We're back home!
I left Sunday morning at 2am - and today we got home at almost 2pm. Peter! Are you happy?
At the hospital they gave us the ok to leave around 11:45. He was happy with that news. Good job Peter.
That was probably the first smile he made at the hospital. He was also happy when he got all the wires off and the IV taken out.
But most of the time there he looked like this:
So I basically have just tried to keep his mouth plugged. And he doesn't use a pacifier, so that meant I was the pacifier. His little IV'd arm outstretched over his forehead as he nursed...
I do have one small complaint about the hospital. But first let me confess, I sleep with Peter in the bed with me. I have for all my kids. I'll put him to bed in his crib if I can, but if he wakes up during the night, I bring him in bed. And there was one well intentioned nurse who, unfortunately, had the night shift with me, and kept waking me up to tell me I wasn't allowed to sleep with Peter on my pull out chair bed with me. I am a pretty light sleeper, so I usually was able to catch her coming in the room and I'd be like "Oh hey, yeah I'm awake, just resting here as I feed him!" but then one time she caught me actually asleep, and let me know I wasn't following the hospital rules or her specific instructions to me. Fine, sorry, so then I got up, put Peter in the crib, which of course caused him to wake, which I knew would happen. And she sat there watching me as I then I got him out and sat in the chair so that I wouldn't fall asleep (?) and I was like "Are you happy? Is this better for me to do at 2 am?" I didn't tell her off but I wanted to, but lucky for her I'm so nice. If I was a mean person I would have gotten mad and told her no, I'll do what I want, but I'm not mean, so I just tried to do what she told me (while calling her stupid in my head.) She also seemed annoyed at me that I wans't keeping track of how long he nursed. I don't know, from like 1-5? Yeah, 4 hours. How's that? So she wasn't that fun to have as a nurse, but other than that they were good. Although Peter kept a careful eye on them most of the time.
Usually he was in the crib when they checked him, so it was fun to hold him when they did it this last time. He was very good.
Corey picked us up a little after 1, and now it's all just a memory again. Life is quickly back to normal - I took the girls to violin, and Corey took the kids to Momentum with the Get Out Pass for Family Home evening tonight. I have been thinking about my neighbor across the street though. They brought us dinner tonight, so nice. Her grand-daughter Shannon is the same age as Sophi, and when Shannon was born she was in the hospital for like over six months waiting for a bone marrow transplant. I know that I'm lucky it was just 36 hours, and that Peter is well and with me again. And I also know that I'm blessed to even have a baby to take to the hospital. There are so many trials harder than what we just went through. I can be cheerful and patient in my trials. I'm grateful for the prayers sent on Peter's behalf.


  1. I've lived there way too much when my son had cancer. But what an amazing branch they have for the church. Amazing nurses too- though some PICU nurses are just there to get it done and not get attached. Glad he's doing better !!

  2. Yes it was an amazing branch. And I hadn't thought of how hard it might be for the nurses if they got attached to patients, they do probably have to keep their guard up or that would be so hard. How is your son? (sorry I'm just looking at comments now over a year later!)
